tami: Phonegap - arbeitet jemand damit? Gibts sinnvolle Alternativen?

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hi tami,


"Apache Cordova (known by many as “PhoneGap“) holds the top slot in developer mindshare."

Und im Kommentar:
"I think that the biggest problem with cross platform tools is that "Developers", and by this I mean, "Developers that already are fluent with iOS or Android native development", do not want to spend time on a skill set that they do not think of as marketable, especially if it cuts into time working with their chosen skill set that they feel is "Highly Marketable". This causes them to walk / run away from cross platform tools that they feel make their job more difficult not less. Any developer tasked with working with these tools will be looking for a way out of that assignment. Then the company ends up with a constant rotation of devs that never build up the skill set needed to make these solutions a success. Force the developers to stick with the tool, and they may look for another job. End result is the same as if you simply rotate the resources within the company so that no developer is stuck using the "cross platform" solution. If you can't get the developers on board, you'll always be trying to force a square peg into a round hole."

