Hallo an Alle!
Ich weiss nicht, wievile von euch das schon kennen, aber mir hat die Ankündugung so gut gefallen, daß ich das nicht vorenthalten möchte.
Auch wenn <layer> weiterhin unterstützt werden, gilt das nur für STATISCHE -Belange.
Da muss ich schon jetzt die Ohren zuhalten, wenn ich an das Wehklagen vieler Seitenersteller denke.
PS: ich weiss es kling boshaft, aber ich kann mir da ein Schmunzeln mit Schulterzucken nicht verkenifen und sagen: "Ironie des Schicksals" ;-)
Re: Nav4 Layer DOM API and IE4 document.all API not supported in Nav5
Datum:Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:55:32 -0700
Von:Eric Krock ekrock@netscape.com
Speaking officially for Netscape, here's the deal:
Gecko will continue to support the static positioning of content
via the LAYER tag for backward compatibility with existing
content for static page layout. However, the LAYER tag has been
deprecated and Netscape of course advises that for new
development, HTML 4.0 should be used; the LAYER tag should
only be used from now on as a last resort where Nav4 support
is required and cannot be achieved through the use of DIVs
or SPANs positioned using CSS properties. -
Proprietary DOMs are the problem, and the incompatibilities
between the proprietary Nav4 and IE4 DOMs prevented widespread
adoption of DHTML in the Nav4/IE4 timeframe and greatly increased
development time for those developers who did build sites and
applications. Nav4 and IE4 were pioneering prototype HTML
DOM implementations which made Dynamic HTML possible
but (since even the DOM1 standard was not finalized until October 98)
inevitably did so in proprietary (and as it happened, incompatible)
ways. -
W3C DOM support is the solution and the light at the end of
the tunnel for developers who are now struggling with cross-browser
development. Browser vendors must commit to fully support W3C
standards. When they do, developers will at last be able to write
once and run anywhere. (This is especially important if we think long
term. Do we really want to be writing conditional code forks in 2010?)
There was an earlier plan to ship a Nav5 based on the old 4.x
codebase (the Gromit project) without full HTML 4.0, CSS1, and
DOM1 support and to delay robust standards support until a later
release. However, the developer community sent a clear message
that they would prefer that Netscape delay the release in order to base
Nav5 on Gecko and get the standards support right. In particular,
WebStandards.org held a petition drive asking for this and got over 7,000
signatures from developers. Netscape listened, changed plans, and is
doing exactly that. -
Nav5's contract is to fully support DOM1/CSS1/HTML 4.0; we
unfortunately lack the time and resources to do that *and* support
either of the two legacy proprietary DOMs (IE4 and Nav4), so we're
going to focus on doing the W3C standards right, providing a robust,
unchanging, standard platform going forward. Our design process has
been open, and developers have told us that given the choice between
(a) continued support for legacy DOMs, plus an incomplete W3C DOM1
standard implementation, or (b) robust support for the DOM1 standard,
they'd prefer the latter. The other thing to keep in mind is that an unreliable,
incomplete emulation of the Nav4 Layer DOM API on Nav5 could
actually be worse than no support as all as it would cause Nav4 code
to attempt to execute and then fail with errors rather than failing silently.
By contrast, a clean break with the legacy, proprietary DOMs makes
it simpler to support both Nav4 and Nav5 via a conditional code fork
where that is necessary during the transition period. -
Netscape recommends that developers write to the W3C DOM1 and
Nav5 wherever possible going forward. -
For those developers who need to continue to support apps on both
the Nav4 DOM and the W3C DOM during the transition period or who
need to upgrade existing Nav4 DOM apps to Nav5 and the W3C DOM,
Netscape will be releasing TechNotes, sample code, and View Source articles
showing how to do this. -
We'll be holding a CodeStock shortly to start educating
developers about the W3C DOM. -
We'll be making educational presentations available for free,
24x7 access as streaming audio presentations at media.netscape.com. -
We will also be encouraging tool vendors to provide full support
for Gecko, Nav5, and W3C standards such as HTML 4.0, CSS1,
and DOM1 to ease cross-browser development. -
In this way, Netscape will be helping to educate the developer
community about the W3C standards and evangelize standards
compliance and standards-based development. Incompatible DOMs
are a problem the vendors created; the vendors have to solve this
problem. Netscape urges all other browser vendors to join us in this
effort. -
While upgrading Nav4 DOM-based content and apps to the
W3C DOM will be a significant undertaking for those developers
who used the Nav4 DOM, the biggest remaining problem for developers
long-term and going forward is that the other major browser vendor has not
to my knowledge committed a date or version from which it will fully
support HTML 4.0, CSS1, and DOM1; until IE is DOM1-compliant,
developers will have to write twice--once to the W3C DOM, and once
to the proprietary IE DOM. I urge developers who are struggling with
cross-browser development to make their voices heard and get the
other vendor to match Netscape's commitment to supporting
HTML 4.0, CSS1, and DOM1 from a specific browser version
number and time frame.
I want to emphasize that not attempting to support the Nav4 Layer DOM
API in Nav5 was a difficult decision, particularly as one who has personally
evangelized the use of Nav4-based DHTML and Nav4/IE4 cross-browser
DHTML. The simple truth is that we are facing the iron triangle of
time, resources, and features. Delaying the release of Nav5 to add Nav4
Layer DOM emulation would be unwise as it would delay the availability
and adoption of the first browser platform based on HTML 4.0, CSS1,
and DOM1 and harm the standards movement. Developers who care
about standards have emphasized that one of the best things Netscape
can do for standards is to ship Nav5 as soon as possible. We also don't
have additional resources to apply to the development of Nav4 emulation.
Thus, with time and resources fixed, the feature had to be dropped from
the specification. (Strictly speaking, it had never been committed in the
first place, but had been listed on the MRD as a possibility for consideration.)