Hast Du zufällig vergessen, das CGI Verzeichnis so einzurichten, das ein .htaccess File die einstellungen von httpd.conf überschreiben darf ? Ist Standardmäßig nämlich nicht so.
AllowOverride None
Can also be "All", or any combination of "Options", "FileInfo", "AuthConfig", and "Limit"
AuthConfig = Allow use of the authorization directives AuthDBMGroupFile, AuthDBMUserFile, AuthGroupFile, AuthName, AuthType, AuthUserFile, Require, etc.).
FileInfo = Allow use of the directives controlling document types (AddEncoding, AddLanguage, AddType, DefaultType, ErrorDocument, LanguagePriority, etc.).
Indexes = Allow use of the directives controlling directory indexing (AddDescription, AddIcon, AddIconByEncoding, AddIconByType, DefaultIcon, DirectoryIndex, FancyIndexing, HeaderName, IndexIgnore, IndexOptions, ReadmeName, etc.).
Limit = Allow use of the directives controlling host access (Allow, Deny and Order).
Options = Allow use of the directives controlling specific directory features (Options and XBitHack).
Such Dir aus, was für Dich am besten ist :-)