Hallo Florian,
eine Frage was bedeutet URI
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Hallo Calo,
"Wer den freien Genuss von Cannabis befürwortet, nimmt in verantwortungsloser Weise den Tod von Tausenden junger Menschen in Kauf."
-- Dr. Edmund Stoiber, 1997
" »Should the working man think freely about property? Then what will become of us, the rich? Should young men and young women think freely about sex? Then what will become of morality? Should soliders think freely about war? Then what will become of military discipline? Away with thought! Back into the shades of prejudice, les property, morals, and war should be endangered? Better men should be stupid, slothful, and oppressive than their thoughts should be free. For if their thoughts were free they might not think as we do. And at all costs this disaster must be averted.« So the opponents of thought argue in the unconscious depths of their souls. and so they act in their churches, their scools, and their universities."
-- Bertrand Russel 1916 in Principles of Social Reconstruction