Alain: passwort entfernen in der .htpasswd

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Hallo Daniel
Ich habs jetzt doch geschafft ohne dieses module,
das wahrscheinlich nicht gefuntzt hätte bei mir jedenfalls. :)
Ok hier ist die Auflösung dess skriptes falls es Dich interessiert:

sub del    {
$htpasswd  = '/homepages/geschützt/.htpasswd';
$isdbfile            = 0;
$ignorecrypts        = 0;

$do = $posts{'do'}; $username=$ENV{'REMOTE_USER'};$password=$posts{'password'};
@htpasswdall = ($htpasswd);

$unameok = &OkUname("$username:$password");
$do = 'remove';

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
if ($do eq 'remove')
        foreach $htpass (@htpasswdall)
        if (&fileopen($htpass,''))
                                @newlines = ();
                                @lines = <FILE>;
                                foreach $l (@lines)
                                next if (!&OkUname($l));
          push @newlines, $l if ($l !~ /^$username:/i);
                        $newfile = join("\n",@newlines);
     &Dead('Cannot backup file!') if (!rename($htpass,$htpass . "glo"));
                                print FILE "$newfile\n";
                                system("chmod 666 $htpass");
      {&Dead('Cannot locate or open file for ');}  }   }

&Dead('your user and password has been deleted now contact the webmaster ');

sub Dead
        #' print a header
        print "</HTML><HEAD>
    <META HTTP-EQUIV='REFRESH' CONTENT='5; URL=../abuse.htm'>
    <TITLE>access denied</Title>
    <script SRC='mouse.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
    <BODY BGCOLOR=#000000 TEXT=#FF0000 onLoad='abuse()'>\n";
        print " " . (@_)[0] . "\n<BR>";
        print " denied </CENTER><BR></BODY></HTML>\n";

sub fileopen {
        local($f,$mode) = @_;
        $res= open(FILE,"$mode$f");
        return $res;
sub fileclose {
        local($f) = @);
        $res= close(FILE);
        return $res;
#' locking/unlocking
sub lock {
        seek(FILE, 0, 2) if (!$isdbfile && $mode eq '>>');
    sub unlock {flock(FILE,8);}
    sub OkUname {local($str) = @_; chomp $str; return (length($str) >= 4);

Besten dank und Grüsse vom Alain