ich bekomme immer diese Fehlermeldung.
Übertragung im ASCII ist erfolgt, CHMOD gesetzt, trotzdem läuft das Script nicht richtig.
Hier der Anfang des Scripts:
AlienForm2 - Released 23 May, 1998.
$Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2001-01-18 13:42:37+11 $
Copyright 1997 - 2001: Jonathan Hedley - jon@hedley.net
All Rights Reserved.
Do not discribute this script without my express, written permission!
Remember to upload in ASCII mode!
Set this to the required MIME type. The default should be fine.
$content_type = "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
Set this to the base path of your templates. The files specified in
the HTML and log template will be appended to this to make the real
file name. Can be an absolute path, or a path relative to the script.
$base_path = '/home/www/web2/html/';
Now, choose between using a mail program (sendmail), or a mail server (SMTP).
Use sendmail if at all possible, so the mail can be sent in another
process, speeding up script output. Comment out either $mail_cmd or $smtp_server,
whichever one you're not using.
Set this to the command to load your mailer, that will accept all info
via STDIN.
$mail_cmd = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
Mailer command flags: if you want sendmail to queue the mail until the next run
(typically around every 10 minutes, use these flags (recomended, as the script
can finish faster)
#$mail_flags = '-oi -t -odq';
However, if you can't wait up to ten minutes for the email, and don't mind the
script taking a little longer to process, use these flags (uncomment):
$mail_flags = '-oi -t';
Set (and uncomment) this if you wish to use SMTP instead of a command line mailer.
#$smtp_server = 'mail.server.domain';
Set this to the list of Valid Referers- ie those sites & pages
you want to be able to use the script. All others will be denied
access. You can be very specific so only one page has access, or
general so a whole site can use it. To allow any site at all to use
the form, comment out this value entirely.
Wo könnte der Fehler liegen?