Cyx23: warum klappts mit dem Selfforum-Server?

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-3. ein Versuch, Forumsabsturz?-

Der Fehler muss woanders liegen. Hier ist 'KeepAliveTimeout'
auf 15s gestellt.

danke für die Info.

Interessant zu dem Problem eine ähnliche Geschichte (redirect, 302), besonders gegen Textende der Beschreibung:

"When Internet Explorer receives the first TCP frame with an HTTP/1.1 302 redirect, Internet Explorer processes the redirect
 command and attempts to use the open socket connection to the server that sent the redirect. This occurs because Internet
 Explorer has not processed the second TCP frame containing the FIN or the "socket close connection" command, so Internet
 Explorer assumes that the current state of the socket connection is still open. This is an intermittent problem because Internet
 Explorer may recognize that the socket connection was closed by the server and open a new socket connection to the server if
 Internet Explorer receives the TCP frames close enough together, or if no HTML body is sent at all. "


"Add this function to your web server:

Function XRedirect(sURL)
      Response.Buffer = True
      Response.Status = "301 Moved"
      Response.AddHeader "Location", sURL
      End Function"

