ok ich habs jetzt (ohne fehler -w) geschafft :)
die frage besteht aber nun ,ob man zwingend
nach dieser methodeuse DB_File;
my %logins;
tie %logins , 'DB_File', "$loginlog", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666;flock,2 setzten muss?
Oder ist das bereits darin enthalten?
Hier der auschnitt aus meiner doku zu DB_File:
Concurrent access of a read-write database by several parties requires them all to use some kind of locking. Here's an example of Tom's that uses the fd method to get the file descriptor, and then a careful open() to give something Perl will flock() for you. Run this repeatedly in the background to watch the locks granted in proper order.
use DB_File;
use strict;
sub LOCK_SH { 1 }
sub LOCK_EX { 2 }
sub LOCK_NB { 4 }
sub LOCK_UN { 8 }
my($oldval, $fd, $db, %db, $value, $key);
$key = shift || 'default';
$value = shift || 'magic';
$value .= " $$";
$db = tie(%db, 'DB_File', '/tmp/foo.db', O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0644)
|| die "dbcreat /tmp/foo.db $!";
$fd = $db->fd;
print "$$: db fd is $fd\n";
open(DB_FH, "+<&=$fd") || die "dup $!";
unless (flock (DB_FH, LOCK_SH | LOCK_NB)) {
print "$$: CONTENTION; can't read during write update!
Waiting for read lock ($!) ....";
unless (flock (DB_FH, LOCK_SH)) { die "flock: $!" }
print "$$: Read lock granted\n";
$oldval = $db{$key};
print "$$: Old value was $oldval\n";
flock(DB_FH, LOCK_UN);
unless (flock (DB_FH, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
print "$$: CONTENTION; must have exclusive lock!
Waiting for write lock ($!) ....";
unless (flock (DB_FH, LOCK_EX)) { die "flock: $!" }
print "$$: Write lock granted\n";
$db{$key} = $value;
$db->sync; # to flush
sleep 10;
flock(DB_FH, LOCK_UN);
undef $db;
untie %db;
print "$$: Updated db to $key=$value\n";