hi nils hab ein gutes beispiel gefunden
danke für deine mühe und ein schönes WE
hier der funktionale script!!
LG kai
$day = 15; // Day of the countdown
$month = 12; // Month of the countdown
$year = 2004; // Year of the countdown
// mktime is the marked time, and time() is the current time.
$target = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year);
$diff = $target - time();
$days = ($diff - ($diff % 86400)) / 86400;
$diff = $diff - ($days * 86400);
$hours = ($diff - ($diff % 3600)) / 3600;
$diff = $diff - ($hours * 3600);
$minutes = ($diff - ($diff % 60)) / 60;
$diff = $diff - ($minutes * 60);
$seconds = ($diff - ($diff % 1)) / 1;
printf("There are $days days, $hours hours, $minutes minutes, $seconds seconds until the target date and time");