Sabine: Bekomme immer Fehler 501 gemeldet

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seit 2 ganzen Tagen beschäftige ich mich nun mit diesen tollen "Formmailern", und bin wohl zu blöd dafür. Ich habe mir den Formailer Nether.Mail runtergeladen, die Variablen angepaßt:


^-------------- Change this to your path to PERL

Copyright © 1998 Ilia Mirkin & Ben Congleton / Nethernet. (

This script can be destributed for free as long as the header remains the same..

and the user-site provides a link to

if you use Nethern-Mail We would appreciate it if you mailed so we can point to you on our examples page


Simple Install Instructions:

1) Modify the variables, and add the default sender, redir and

#     path to your sendmail program, upload this CGI and chmod it 755

2) Create a form you would like users to fill out and set

#                      <FORM method=POST action="address of this CGI">

3) If you are using this CGI for multiple users you can specify who

#    the message should be sent to by adding a
#                <input type=hidden name="to" value="">
#                <input type=hidden name="redir" value="http://www.thankspageURL">

4) And that is it unless you want to log every sent mail (usefull when you have

#    Multiple users using the form)

5) If you are logging the send mails, you should create a file called log.txt and chmod it #    777

#    And then you will be done :-)

6) Add a link to our site on your webpage :-)  and have fun :-)



Default E-mail to send the mail to:  (you must use '' in front of the '@' sign


Default URL to redirect to after a sent message:


Url to send the user to if they don't access the page using a POST


Sort method ( 1 = The order of the fields on the original form, 2 = Alphabetically, 3 = random :-)



Path to sendmail:


(this is the program that sends the mail on your server.. if you do know where it is

#  you can type 'whereis sendmail' during a telnet session, or ask your host)


Advanced Vars for Logging

Do you want logging on ?  (1=yes 0=no)


Where do you want it to log the results to:

$logfile="logfile.txt"; # File where you want your logs to go.

(this file must be chmodded 777, and created before it will start logging)


And that is it, please do not modify the below code


den chmod auf 755 geändert, daß Formular mit

<FORM method=POST action="cgi-bin/">
<input type=hidden name="to" value="">
<input type=hidden name="redir" value="">

mit verknüpft, und nun bekomme ich den Fehler 501 verpaßt. Was mache ich falsch? Bitte, ich wäre froh, wenn mir jemand helfen kann, ich alleine kann es nicht.

