Hm. Ich muß das mal durchspielen. So eine Frage hab ich mir noch nie vorgelegt.
hab noch was gefunden, was gut passt:
"Access policy if both Allow and Require used. The parameter can be either 'all' or 'any'. This directive is only useful if access to a particular area is being restricted by both username/password and client host address. In this case the default behavior ("all") is to require that the client passes the address access restriction and enters a valid username and password. With the "any" option the client will be granted access if they either pass the host restriction or enter a valid username and password. This can be used to password restrict an area, but to let clients from particular addresses in without prompting for a password."
na bitte, letzteres - "any" - dürfte doch genau das sein, was wir hier brauchen.
I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.