Hanz: Globales Menü?

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Und gleich nochmal:

Hier ist das Menü:
  var height = 16; // Hoehe der Menuekoepfe
  var iheight = 16; // Hoehe der Menueelemente
  var bgc = "#CCCCCC" // background color of the item
  var tc = "black" // text color of the item
  var over_bgc = "CCCCCC";
  var over_tc = "#333333";
  var speed = 0;
  var timerID = "";
  var N = (document.all) ? 0 : 1;
  var width = 154;
  var self_menu = new Array();
function write_menu()
  smc = 0; // count the position of the self_menu
  document.write("<div style='position:absolute'>");
  mn = 0;
  mni = 1;
  start = -1;
   la = Link[i].split("|");
   if (la[0] == "0")
    if(start == 0)
      h =  csmc * iheight;
      tmn = mn; //-h
      self_menu[smc] = new Array(tmn,h,0,-2);
     csmc = 0;
    document.write("<div class='menu' style='top:"+mn+";height:"+height+"' id='down"+smc+"' onclick='pull_down("+smc+","+mni+")'> "+ la[1] + "</div>");
    self_menu[smc] = new Array(mn,height,0,mni);
    start = 1;
    if(start == 1)
       document.write("<div class='item_panel' id='down"+smc+"' style='top:"+mn+"'>");
       start = 0;

document.write("<a href='"+la[2]+"'");
    if (la[3] != "") document.write(" target='" + la[3] + "' ");
    document.write("><div class='item' id='d"+i+"' style='height:"+iheight);
    if (N) document.write(";width:150");
    document.write("' onmouseover='color(this.id)' onmouseout='uncolor(this.id)'>  "+ la[1] + "</div></a>");
  if (start == 0)
     h =  csmc * iheight;
     tmn = mn + 5; //-h
     self_menu[smc] = new Array(tmn,h,0);
     name = "down" + (self_menu.length-1);
     obj = document.getElementById(name);
     obj.style.borderBottomColor = "#CCCCCC";
     obj.style.borderBottomWidth = 1;
     obj.style.borderBottomStyle = "solid";
function color(obj)
 document.getElementById(obj).style.backgroundColor = over_bgc;
 document.getElementById(obj).style.color = over_tc

function uncolor(obj)
 document.getElementById(obj).style.backgroundColor = bgc;
 document.getElementById(obj).style.color = tc

function pull_down(nr,c)
 if (timerID == "")
 to = self_menu[nr+1][1]
 begin = nr + 2;
 if (timerID != "") clearTimeout(timerID);
 if (self_menu[nr+1][2] == 0)
  self_menu[nr+1][2] = 1;
  if(nr == self_menu.length-2) {to++;}
  to = 0;
  self_menu[nr+1][2] = 0;
  name = "down"+(nr+2);
  open_item = 0;
   if(self_menu[i][2] == 1)
    {open_item += self_menu[i][1];
  if (N == false) {open_item-= (c*1)};
  if (nr== self_menu.length-2) {val = self_menu[self_menu.length-1][1];to=-1;}
  else  val = parseInt(document.getElementById(name).style.top) -(open_item)-(c*height);

function epull_down(nr,to,nowv)
 name = "down" + (nr-1);
 obj = document.getElementById(name).style.clip = "rect(0,"+width+","+(nowv+1)+",0)";
 for (i=nr;i<self_menu.length;i++)
  name = "down" + i;
  obj = document.getElementById(name);
  obj.style.top = parseInt(obj.style.top)+1;
 if(nowv < to) timerID = setTimeout("epull_down("+nr+","+to+","+nowv+")",speed);
 else timerID = "";

function epull_up(nr,to,nowv)
 name = "down" + (nr-1);
 obj = document.getElementById(name).style.clip = "rect(0,"+width+","+nowv+",0)";
 for (i=nr;i<self_menu.length;i++)
  name = "down" + i;
  obj = document.getElementById(name);
  obj.style.top = parseInt(obj.style.top)-1;
 if(nowv > to) timerID = setTimeout("epull_up("+nr+","+to+","+nowv+")",speed);
 else timerID = "";

function startup(nr)
 if (nr != 0)
  if(self_menu[i][3] == nr) pull_down(i,nr)
So, schön lang. Ich hab grad üüberhaupt keine Ahnung, was ich jetzt dem Cookie als Wert zuweisen soll...