Gunther: Div-Suppenkonstrukte oder design-images..

Beitrag lesen

Hallo Melanie!

Saubere Skalierbarkeit? Hmm das kann ich nicht nachvollziehen!

Du sprachst ja eingangs von flexiblem Layout. Unterstellt, dass sich nicht nur die Schriftgröße vom User skalieren lässt, sondern auch deine Box (mit den abgerundeten Ecken), dann ist eine entsprechende CSS-Lösung 'sauberer' als vom Browser skalierte Grafiken.

Mich interessiert Deine php-Technik brennend *lechz*

Wie du siehst ist das Script nicht von mir (meine PHP Kenntnisse sind auch nicht sehr ausgeprägt).

//  The following script is hereby released under the Modified BSD license (  
//  Copyright 2004 Raefer Gabriel  
//  Script arguments:  
//  Corner Name :              cn (one of: tl, bl, tr, br)  
//  Height      :              h (height for elliptical arc)  
//  Width       :              w (width for elliptical arc)  
//  Size        :              s (alternative parameter for circular arc)  
//  Border      :              b (thickness of optional border line)  
//  Border color:              cb (ignored unless b!=0)  
//  Inner color :              ci  
//  Outer color :              co  
//  Usage:  
//  rounded.php?cn=tl&s=10&ci=ffffff&co=000077 (top left 10x10 image, white inside, light blue outside)  
//  rounded.php?cn=tr&h=20&w=20&ci=ffffff&co=000077 (top right 10x20 elliptical corner image, white inside, light blue outside)  
//  See for more information on use, or see the included examples.  
//  This variable controls the caching mechanism.  It's off by default for ease of installation, but I highly  
//  recommend using it unless you are just testing things out or doing active development work on this script.  
//  You will need to create the directory 'cache' under the script install directory (usually your web server  
//  root) and make sure the user this script runs as has write access to it in order for caching to work.  
$caching = true;  
$cachedir = 'cache/';  
 * Helper functions  
// hex to rgb color translation  
function hex2rgb($hex)  
    for($i=0; $i<3; $i++)  
        $temp = substr($hex,2*$i,2);  
        $rgb[$i] = 16 * hexdec(substr($temp,0,1)) + hexdec(substr($temp,1,1));  
    return $rgb;  
//output image from cached file  
function outputfromfile($filename)  
 header("Content-Type: image/gif");  
 header("Expires: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s",time()+24*60*60));  
 * Script body  
$mangledname = $cn.'_'.$s.'_'.$h.'_'.$w.'_'.$b.'_'.$cb.'_'.$ci.'_'.$co.'.gif';  
$cachefile = $cachedir.$mangledname;  
//first check to see if we've already generated this file.  If so, just return it  
if ($caching && file_exists($cachefile)) {  
// set default values for size and color  
if ( !$s and !$h )  
if ( !$ci )  
if ( !$co )  
//pick larger of inner and outer radius  
if ($h==0) {  
} else if ($h>$w) {  
  $s = $h;  
} else {  
  $s = $w;  
//convert colors to rgb  
$rgbinner = hex2rgb($ci);  
$rgbouter = hex2rgb($co);  
$rgbborder = hex2rgb($cb);  
//we want to render the image at twice the specified size then downsample later to antialias  
$width = $w*2;  
$height = $h*2;  
$bthickness = $b*2;  
if ( $cn=="tl" ) {  
  $center_x = $width;  
  $center_y = $height;  
  $arc_start = 180;  
  $arc_end = 270;  
} else if ( $cn=="tr" ) {  
  $center_x = -2;  
  $center_y = $height;  
  $arc_start = 270;  
  $arc_end = 360;  
} else if ( $cn=="bl" ) {  
  $center_x = $width;  
  $center_y = -1;  
  $arc_start = 90;  
  $arc_end = 0;  
} else if ( $cn=="br" ) {  
  $center_x = -2;  
  $center_y = -1;  
  $arc_start = 180;  
  $arc_end = 90;  
$image_scratch = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);  
//imageantialias function seems broken in PHP4.3.8  
$inner_color = imagecolorallocate($image_scratch, $rgbinner[0], $rgbinner[1], $rgbinner[2]);  
$outer_color = imagecolorallocate($image_scratch, $rgbouter[0], $rgbouter[1], $rgbouter[2]);  
$border_color = imagecolorallocate($image_scratch, $rgbborder[0], $rgbborder[1], $rgbborder[2]);  
//fill in background color  
imagefill($image_scratch, 0, 0, $outer_color);  
//first deal with border case  
if ($b!=0) {  
  //draw filled arc for border  
  imagefilledarc($image_scratch, $center_x, $center_y, $width*2, $height*2, $arc_start, $arc_end, $border_color, IMG_ARC_PIE);  
  //draw smaller filled arc for inner region  
  imagefilledarc($image_scratch, $center_x, $center_y, $width*2-2*$bthickness+1, $height*2-2*$bthickness+1, $arc_start, $arc_end, $inner_color, IMG_ARC_PIE);  
} else {  
  //plain, non-bordered corner  
  //draw filled arc  
  imagefilledarc($image_scratch, $center_x, $center_y, $width*2, $height*2, $arc_start, $arc_end, $inner_color, IMG_ARC_PIE);  
//resample image down to antialias  
$image_dest = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);  
//why size-1 here?  I'm not exactly sure, but it works  
imagecopyresampled($image_dest, $image_scratch, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h, $width-1, $height-1);  
// first setting content-type and caching header to 1 day expiration.  
// this needs to be done before we do any output, even buffered output  
header("Content-Type: image/gif");  
header("Expires: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s",time()+24*60*60));  
//alternative approach to control caching, doesn't seem to be necessary though  
//header("Cache-Control : max-age = ".str(24*60*60));  
//header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=".$cn.$h.$w.$ci.$co.".gif");  
//first, save a copy of the generated image if caching mode is set  
if ($caching) {  
 // Start buffering the output  
 // Now output the image  
 // Fetch output buffer  
 $buffer = ob_get_contents();  
 // Stop buffering and display the buffer  
 // Write a cache file from the contents  
 $fp = fopen($cachefile, 'wb');  
 fwrite($fp, $buffer);  
//now send the gif to the browser  
//can also output jpegs if you prefer, but I don't recommend it (quality is much worse)  
//clean up images  

Die Einbindung kann dann bspw. so erfolgen (Pfadangaben sind natürlich entsprechend anzupassen):

@charset "iso-8859-1";  
.rc_container {  
 background: #30689B;  
 margin: 0 auto;  
 padding: 0px;  
.rc_contents {  
 margin: 0 0 0 5px;  
 padding: 0;  
 background: #30689B;  
.rc_top {  
 background: transparent url(../rounded.php?cn=tr&s=10&ci=30689B&co=E5E5E5) no-repeat top right;  
.rc_top div {  
 background: transparent url(../rounded.php?cn=tl&s=10&ci=30689B&co=E5E5E5) no-repeat top left;  
.rc_bot {  
 background: transparent url(../rounded.php?cn=br&s=10&cb=0044AA&ci=30689B&co=E5E5E5) no-repeat bottom right;  
.rc_bot div {  
 background: transparent url(../rounded.php?cn=bl&s=10&cb=0044AA&ci=30689B&co=E5E5E5) no-repeat bottom left;  
.rc_top div, .rc_top, .rc_bot div, .rc_bot {  
 width: 100%;  
 height: 10px;  
 font-size: 1px;  
h4.rc_contents {  
 margin: 0 0 0 0;  
div.rc_contents p {  
 padding: 0 5px;  
div.rc_contents ul {  
 margin: -5px 0 0 1.5em;  
 padding: 0;  
* html div.rc_contents ul {  
 padding: 0 0 0 20px;  

Gruß Gunther