Hallo eddi.
preg_match("/^$ipp.$ipp.$ipp.$ipp$/", $ip);
> Sauerei; und ich habe wieder kein Modul mit Perl-kompatiblen RegEx am Start, um zu testen ;(
[Evaluator](http://pcre.nophia.de/evaluate/index.php) anyone?
Einen schönen Donnerstag noch.
Gruß, Ashura
sh:( fo:} ch:? rl:( br: n4:~ ie:{ mo:| va:) de:> zu:} fl:( ss:) ls:[ js:|
„It is required that HTML be a common language between all platforms. This implies no device-specific markup, or anything which requires control over fonts or colors, for example. This is in keeping with the SGML ideal.“
[[HTML Design Constraints: Logical Markup](http://www.w3.org/History/19921103-hypertext/hypertext/WWW/MarkUp/HTMLConstraints.html)]