Ole: Dell PC

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Wie Installiere ich den Rechner neu?

Deinem Rechner sollte eine Karte mit der Abbildung einer CD-Beiliegen auf welche folgendes geschrieben steht:

Your ne computer does not require an operation system CD or drivers CDs. Instead, if you ever need to rinstall your software, use one of the following methods.

Microsoft Windows System Restore returns your computer to an earlier operation state without affecting data files. For more information, double-click the Owner´s Manual icon on your desktop.

Dell PC Restore returns your computer to its original operation state. For more information, double-click the Owner´s Manual icon on your desktop.

To learn more about obtaining a copy of your operationg system CD or drivers for your computer, visit http://support.dell.com/pcrt/

Anders ausgedrückt: rtfm :)

so long

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