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jetzt versteh mich bitte nicht falsch, aber bist du sicher, dass ein eShop-System ein guter Einstieg ist um sowas zu lernen? Als Spielerei OK, aber wenn da jemand ernsthaft mit arbeiten soll, ist das doch relativ gewagt. Bedenke nur all die Dinge, die du nicht bedenkst, wenn dir die Routine fehlt...
He is entertaining both out of the car and in the car because if you tell him that a corner is almost flat then he is the guy who is going to try to take it flat even if it means shunting it the other side of it, he will come with the data and say 'hey, I may have crashed and destroyed the car, but I was flat-out'. That is an interesting quality that he has! -- Team Member on Jacques Villeneuve
He is entertaining both out of the car and in the car because if you tell him that a corner is almost flat then he is the guy who is going to try to take it flat even if it means shunting it the other side of it, he will come with the data and say 'hey, I may have crashed and destroyed the car, but I was flat-out'. That is an interesting quality that he has! -- Team Member on Jacques Villeneuve