AbBa: Php Variablen Problem wegen Xampp

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Irgendwie werden die Variablen nicht "realisiert".
Hier hab ich Register.html:
<body style="cursor: url('../../Cur/Sword.cur')">
<body bgcolor='black'>
<font color='white'>
<body scroll="no">
<form action='New.php'>
<img src="SOHBanner.png" width="370">
Username: <p align="center"><input align="center" type='text' name='Charaname' style="cursor: url('../../Cur/Sword.cur')"></input><br></p>
Password: <p align="center"><input align="center" type='password' name='Charapass' style="cursor: url('../../Cur/Sword.cur')"></input><br></p>
Repeat Password: <p align="center"><input align="center" type='password' name='Charapass2' style="cursor: url('../../Cur/Sword.cur')"></input><br></p>
In-Game-Name:<p align="center"><input align="center" type='text' name='Nick' style="cursor: url('../../Cur/Sword.cur')"></input><br></p>
E-Mail Adress*:<p align="center"><input align="center" type='text' name='Em' style="cursor: url('../../Cur/Sword.cur')"></input><br></p>
<font size='3'>*not recommended. E-Mail will be used for sending someone Updates,etc...</p>
<p align="right"><input type='Submit' style="cursor: url('../../Cur/Sword.cur');position:absolute; left: 320px;top: 520px;" value='Register'></input></p>

Es soll eine Registrierung sein. <form action> sagt ja schon,
dass New.php die Variablen braucht, die in den input types stehen.
Bis dahin klappt auch alles..
Doch bei...
...Realisiert New.php die Variablen nicht!
Die stehen zwar in der Adressleiste, aber es ist so als ob es für New.php gleichgültig wäre.
Der fehler taucht aber nur bei Xampp auf...
Gibt es da etwas, was nicht funktioniert oder so?

Hier noch New.php:

if ($Charapass == $Charapass2){
} else {
Header("Location: Wrongpass.php");
$Beleidig   = "Wanker";
$pos = strpos($Chatmessage, $Beleidig);

if ($pos === false) {
$Beleidig1   = "Penis";
$pos3 = strpos($Chatmessage, $Beleidig1);
 if ($pos3 === false) {
 $Beleidig2   = "Fuck";
 $pos1 = strpos($Chatmessage, $Beleidig2);
  if ($pos1 === false) {
  $Beleidig3   = "Ass";
  $pos2 = strpos($Chatmessage, $Beleidig3);
    if ($pos2 === false) {
    $a1 = "User/".$Charaname.".html";
    $Char = "<script type='text/javascript'>
    top.logged.location.href = 'Successfully' + ".Charaname." + ".Charapass." + '.html';
    $a2 = fopen($a1, "w+");
    fwrite($a2, $Char);
    fclose ($a2);

$a3 = "User/Successfully".$Charaname.$Charapass.".html";
    $a4 = "<body bgcolor='transparent'><font color='white'>Eingeloggt als: ".$Nick."<script type='text/javascript'>
                top.updateframe.location.href='Update' + ".$Charaname.$Charapass.".html';
    $a5 = fopen($a3, "w+");
    fwrite($a5, $a4);
    fclose ($a5);

$a10 = "Emails.html";
    $a11 = $Charaname."    --    ".$Em." <br> ";
    $a12 = fopen($a10, "a+");
    fwrite($a12, $a11);
    fclose ($a12);

print " <title>New User</title>
<font color='white'><br><br>Account has been created with Username ".$Charaname.". Please click <u> <a onclick='javascript: close()'>Here</a></>, to close the window.</font>
<body bgcolor='black'> ";
} else {
print " <title>New User</title><script type='text/javascript'>
location.href='Error.php?Us=".$Usr."' ;
<font color='white'><br><br>Please wait...</font>
<body bgcolor='black'> ";}
} else {
print " <title>New User</title><script type='text/javascript'>
location.href='Error.php?Us=".$Usr."' ;
<font color='white'><br><br>Please wait...</font>
<body bgcolor='black'> ";}
} else {
print " <title>New User</title><script type='text/javascript'>
location.href='Error.php?Us=".$Usr."' ;
<font color='white'><br><br>Please wait...</font>
<body bgcolor='black'> ";}
} else {
print " <title>New User</title><script type='text/javascript'>
location.href='Error.php?Us=".$Usr."' ;
<font color='white'><br><br>Please wait...</font>
<body bgcolor='black'> ";}

Alle Variablen werden als Leer angezeigt...