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 * ScanApp.js
 * Copyright (C) Xerox Corporation, 2007.  All rights reserved.
 * This file contains functions to start a scan job and to handle the response
 * using the Scan Web Service Library

/* startScan : puts sample template onto the device by calling the STM web service library, then calls
 * scan web service libabry to initiate scanning
function startScan( templateName, isRemote )
        document.getElementById('xrxSR3Text').innerHTML = "Scanning will begin. Please wait.";
        // Load the sample template onto the device for the sample scan job
        xrxTemplatePutTemplate("", templateName, sampleTemplateContent, finishPutTemplate, callback_failure );
    catch ( e ){    // for debug

/* finishScan */
function finishScan(callid, response){
    // retrieve and display the job id by using the parsing function in the Scan web service library
    jobID = xrxScanParseInitiateScan(response);
    document.getElementById('contentarea').innerHTML = "Job successfully scanned. The local Job ID is" + jobID;
    // delete the sample template from the device

/* call_failure */
function callback_failure(){
    document.getElementById('xrxSR3Text').innerHTML = "WEB SERVICE CALL FAILED!";

/* putTemplate */
function putTemplate(){
    document.getElementById('xrxSR3Text').innerHTML = "Loading Sample Template onto device.";
    // call to web service library
    xrxTemplatePutTemplate("", "sampleTemplate.xst", sampleTemplateContent, finishPutTemplate, callback_failure );

/* finishPutTemplate : Handles the response from the web service request, and stores returned checksum */
function finishPutTemplate(callid, response)
    // convert response to dom using web service library
    var xmlDoc = xrxStringToDom(response);
    // store checksum for deleting of template
    tchecksum = xrxGetElementValue(xmlDoc, 'TemplateChecksum');
    // call to web service library to initaite the scan job
 xrxScanInitiateScan( "", "sampleTemplate.xst", false, finishScan, callback_failure );

/*  deleteSampleTemplate
 *  NOTE: The corresponding checksum must be provided to delete a teamplet off the device.
 *  For this sample the checksum was stored from the response for the PutTemplateRequest
function deleteSampleTemplate()
    // call to Template web service library to delete the sample template
    xrxTemplateDeleteTemplate( "", "sampleTemplate.xst", tchecksum, finishDeleteTemplate, callback_failure )

/* finishDeleteTemplate : Handles the response from DeleteTemplate web service request */
function finishDeleteTemplate(){
    // Ready to scan another job
    document.getElementById('xrxSR3Text').innerHTML = "Ready";