Beppo: Hilfe - verstehe den englischen Text nicht!

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kennt Ihr eine einfache deutsche Beschreibung für den nachfolgenden Sachverhalt:

our associates a simple name with a package variable in the current package for use within the current scope. When use strict 'vars'  is in effect, our lets you use declared global variables without qualifying them with package names, within the lexical scope of the our declaration. In this way our differs from use vars , which is package scoped.

Unlike my, which both allocates storage for a variable and associates a simple name with that storage for use within the current scope, our associates a simple name with a package variable in the current package, for use within the current scope. In other words, our has the same scoping rules as my, but does not necessarily create a variable.

Wenn ich das wörtlich übersetze, verstehe ich es trotzdem nicht!