Stefan Welscher: Perl-Expect - Binärdateien übertragen?

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sub get_cops_web  
 my ($file,$user,$password,$logfile,$debug) = @_;  
 if ($file!~/^[a-z0-9%?&=\/_-]+\.[a-z0-9%?&=_-]+/i) { print "\nInvalid file!\n"; return 0; }  
 my $path="/srv/www/htdocs/";  
 my $local_tmp="/opt/vpn/CoCA/TEMP/";  
 my $logfile="/opt/vpn/logs/copsweb_log_".$user;  
 my $screen_log=0;  
 my $telnet;  
 print $telnet "export PS1=\"\"\r";  
 $telnet->expect(5,'-re',"\r*\n*nipc1:~> \s*\r*\n*");  
 my $good="EXPECT_EOF";  
 my $bad  = 'o such file or directory|ould not open';  
 my $command="/usr/bin/php /srv/www/htdocs/cops/coca_overlay.php $file && echo \"EXPECT_EOF\"\r";  
 print $telnet $command;  
 my ($match_num,$error,$match,$before,$after) = $telnet->expect(40,'-re',$good,'-re',$bad);  
 print $telnet "export PS1=\"\\u@\\h:\\w>\"\r";  
 my $sequence;  
 if ($match=~/$bad/i) { $before="Could not read file $file in\r\n\r\n$match"; $sequence=0; }  
 else { $sequence=&create_random_sequence(32); }  
 open (DESTINATION, ">", $local_tmp."copsweb_".$sequence) or die "Error writing file copsweb_".$sequence."! \n$!\n";  
 print DESTINATION $before;  
 close (DESTINATION);  
 return $sequence;  
sub ssh_unix_level1  
 my ($telnet,$host,$hostname,$user,$password,$ra_meldungen,$logfile,$screen_log,$debug) = @_;  
 if (!$hostname)  
  if ($host eq "")  { $hostname="hop1"; }  
  elsif ($host eq "") { $hostname="hop2"; }  
  elsif ($host eq "") { $hostname="hop3"; }  
 my $lockfile="/opt/vpn/locks/".(lc($hostname))."_anwahl_".$user;  
 my $logfile="/opt/vpn/logs/".(lc($hostname))."_log_".$user;  
 open LOCKDATEI, "> $lockfile" or die "$! FEX::hop1_anwahl kann Datei $lockfile nicht oeffnen\n";  
 print LOCKDATEI (lc($hostname))."\n";  
 ### Expect Objekt erzeugen, wenn direkte Anwahl, ansonsten per  
 ### telnet vom bereits geoeffneten Objekt loslegen.  
 my $ref_tel=ref($telnet);  
 if ($ref_tel ne "Expect")  
  $Expect::Log_Stdout= $screen_log;  
  $telnet=new Expect;  
  $telnet->slave->stty(qw(raw -echo));  
  $telnet->spawn("/usr/bin/ssh ".$user."@".$host) or die "konnte SSH nicht starten $!\n";  
 { print $telnet "ssh ".$user."@".$host."\n"; }  
 my $good1 = 'Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes\/no)?';  
 my $good2 = 'Password:';  
 my $good = $good1."|".$good2;  
 my $bad  = 'Unable to connect|connection refused|ad passwords|onnection closed|Unknown host|onnection timed|not known';  
 my ($match_num,$error,$match,$before,$after) = $telnet->expect(5,'-re',$good,'-re',$bad);  
 if    ($match=~/$bad/i)  { $telnet->hard_close(); }  
 elsif ($match=~/$good1/i)  
  print $telnet "yes\r";  
  ($match_num,$error,$match,$before,$after) = $telnet->expect(5,'-re',$good2,'-re',$bad);  
 if ($match=~/$good2/i)  
  print $telnet $password."\r\n";  
  ($match_num,$error,$match,$before,$after) = $telnet->expect(5,'-re',$good,'-re',$bad);  
  if    ($match=~/$bad/i)  { $telnet->hard_close(); }  
  elsif ($match=~/$good/i)  
   close LOCKDATEI;  
   return $telnet;  
 else { $telnet->hard_close(); }  
 close LOCKDATEI;  
 print "\n\nProblem: Einloggen auf ".(lc($hostname))." war nicht erfolgreich !!!\n\n";  
 return 0;  
sub close_unix_level1  
 my ($telnet,$host,$user,$password,$ra_meldungen,$logfile,$screen_log,$debug)=@_;  
 my $hostname;  
 if ($host eq "")  { $hostname="hop1"; }  
 elsif ($host eq "") { $hostname="hop2"; }  
 elsif ($host eq "") { $hostname="hop3"; }  
 elsif ($host=~/[a-z]+/i)  { $hostname=$host; }  
 my $logfile="/opt/vpn/locks/".$hostname."_log_".$user;  
 my $ref_tel=ref($telnet);  
 if ($ref_tel eq "Expect")  
  print $telnet "exit\r";  
  my $good = "closed";  
  my $bad  = 'not found|unknown';  
  my ($match_num,$error,$match,$before,$after) = $telnet->expect(20,'-re',$good,'-re',$bad);  
  if ($match=~/$bad/i)  
   print $telnet "quit\r";  
   $good = "closed";  
   $bad  = 'not found|unknown';  
   ($match_num,$error,$match,$before,$after) = $telnet->expect(20,'-re',$good,'-re',$bad);  
 return 1;  
sub ssh_nipc1  
 my ($telnet,$user,$password,$ra_meldungen,$logfile,$screen_log,$debug) = @_;  
 my $lockfile = "/opt/vpn/locks/nipc1_anwahl_$user";  
 my $logfile = "/opt/vpn/logs/nipc1_log_$user";  
 my $host="";  
 open LOCKDATEI, "> $lockfile" or die "$! FEX::nipc1_anwahl kann Datei $lockfile nicht oeffnen\n";  
 print LOCKDATEI "nipc1\n";  
 #Trying Unix hosts (official gates)  
 my $count=0; my $count2=0;  
 my @hop_ips=  ("", "", "");  
 my @hop_hostnames=("hop1",        "hop2",        "hop3");  
 for ($count=0;$count<99;$count++)  
  if (!$hop_ips[$count] || !$hop_hostnames[$count]) { $count=99; last; }  
  for ($count2=0;$count2<3;$count2++)  
   if (ref($telnet) eq "Expect") { $FEX::pre_logfile="/opt/vpn/logs/".(lc($hop_hostnames[$count]))."_log_".$user; $FEX::pre_host=lc($hop_hostnames[$count]); $count2=3; $count=99; }  
 my $ref_tel=ref($telnet);  
 if ($ref_tel ne "Expect") { return 0; }  
  print $telnet "ssh ".$user."@".$host."\n";  
 my $good1 = 'Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes\/no)?';  
 my $good2 = 'Password:';  
 my $good = $good1."|".$good2;  
 my $bad  = 'Unable to connect|connection refused|ad passwords|onnection closed|Unknown host|onnection timed|not known';  
 my ($match_num,$error,$match,$before,$after) = $telnet->expect(10,'-re',$good,'-re',$bad);  
 if    ($match=~/$bad/i)  { $telnet->hard_close(); }  
 elsif ($match=~/$good1/i)  
  print $telnet "yes\r";  
  ($match_num,$error,$match,$before,$after) = $telnet->expect(10,'-re',$good2,'-re',$bad);  
 if ($match=~/$good2/i)  
  print $telnet $password."\r\n";  
  ($match_num,$error,$match,$before,$after) = $telnet->expect(10,'-re',$good,'-re',$bad);  
  if    ($match=~/$bad/i)  { $telnet->hard_close(); }  
  elsif ($match=~/$good/i)  
   close LOCKDATEI;  
   return $telnet;  
 else { $telnet->hard_close(); }  
 close LOCKDATEI;  
 print "\n\nProblem: Einloggen auf nipc1 war nicht erfolgreich !!!\n\n";  
 return 0;  
sub close_nipc1  
 my ($telnet,$user,$password,$ra_meldungen,$logfile,$screen_log,$debug)=@_;  
 my $logfile = "/opt/vpn/logs/nipc1_log_$user";  
 my $ref_tel = ref($telnet);  
 if ($ref_tel eq "Expect")  
  print $telnet "exit\r";  
  my $good = "closed";  
  my $bad  = 'not found|unknown';  
  my ($match_num,$error,$match,$before,$after) = $telnet->expect(20,'-re',$good,'-re',$bad);  
  if ($match=~/$bad/i)  
   print $telnet "quit\r";  
   $good = "closed";  
   $bad  = 'not found|unknown';  
   ($match_num,$error,$match,$before,$after) = $telnet->expect(20,'-re',$good,'-re',$bad);  
 return 1;  