Gunnar Bittersmann: Standart DTD erweitern um ein Attribut in Elementen

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Von daher die Frage, wie kann man eine DTD erweitern um bestimmt Attribute  dem Validator erlaubt werden.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""  
 <!ATTLIST input  
  ccindex     CDATA          #IMPLIED  


Noch besser das nur bestimmte Eigenschaften gültig sind.

Live long and prosper,

“New Jersey Hall of Fame? […] But then I ran through the list of names: Albert Einstein, Bruce Springsteen... my mother's going to like that. […] it's the only time she's going to hear those two names mentioned in the same sentence, so I'm going to enjoy it.” (Bruce Springsteen when inducted into the New Jersey Hall of Fame, 2008-05-04)