function wetter(day){
anfrage.onreadystatechange = function(){
};anfrage.open('GET', 'wetter.php?day='+day, true);
anfrage.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
War da nicht irgendwas, dass der IE es nicht mag, wenn man den readyState-Handler vor dem Aufruf der open-Methode setzt ...?
MfG ChrisB
"The Internet: Technological marvel of marvels - but if you don't know *what* you're lookin' for on the Internet, it is nothing but a time-sucking vortex from hell."
"The Internet: Technological marvel of marvels - but if you don't know *what* you're lookin' for on the Internet, it is nothing but a time-sucking vortex from hell."