Hi Seta!
Danke für deine Geduld!
string(7) "default"
string(10) "setamagiga"
Ich poste beide weil mich die zahlen irgentwie wundern!?
Wie beide? Es sollte eigentlich nur eine geben!
Pass auf!
$selstyle = GetContent("txt/style");
if ($file == $setstyle)
Fällt die was auf? =)
Vergleiche mal die zwei Variablennamen von $selstyle...
MfG H☼psel
"It's amazing I won. I was running against peace, prosperity, and incumbency."
George W. Bush speaking to Swedish Prime Minister unaware a live television camera was still rolling, June 14, 2001
Selfcode: ie:% fl:( br:> va:) ls:& fo:) rl:? n4:& ss:| de:] js:| ch:? sh:( mo:) zu:)
"It's amazing I won. I was running against peace, prosperity, and incumbency."
George W. Bush speaking to Swedish Prime Minister unaware a live television camera was still rolling, June 14, 2001
Selfcode: ie:% fl:( br:> va:) ls:& fo:) rl:? n4:& ss:| de:] js:| ch:? sh:( mo:) zu:)