[latex]Mae govannen![/latex]
Naja, ich habe mir letztlich alle seine Lehrvideos reingezogen. Irgendwo sagt er das so. Einer fragte, ob er das genauer bezeichnen könnte. Er sagte sinngemäß: "wenn du in die Versuchung kommst, eval zu benutzen, give me a call, and i tell you, wie mans anders machen kann".
Even if you are a master of jQuery, you can only create mediocre (at best)
scripts. The problem is that the authors you rely on have not mastered the
DOM themselves. It's like one blind guy leading another off a cliff (D.Mark/clj)
Foren-Stylesheet Site Selfzeug JS-Lookup
SelfCode: sh:( fo:| ch:? rl:( br:< n4:( ie:{ mo:| va:) js:| de:> zu:) fl:( ss:| ls:?
Even if you are a master of jQuery, you can only create mediocre (at best)
scripts. The problem is that the authors you rely on have not mastered the
DOM themselves. It's like one blind guy leading another off a cliff (D.Mark/clj)
Foren-Stylesheet Site Selfzeug JS-Lookup
SelfCode: sh:( fo:| ch:? rl:( br:< n4:( ie:{ mo:| va:) js:| de:> zu:) fl:( ss:| ls:?