Da rollen sich echt meine Zehnägel, wenn ich dieses Skript sehe. Nicht mal objektorientiert.
<SCRIPT language=javascript>
<!-- Begin //place these scripts within BODY tag if you are using IE 4.0 or below.
lol. 4.0 or below.
// Release date: 2000.3.7
var gdCtrl = new Object();
function fSetDate(iYear, iMonth, iDay){
Furchtbar diese Prefixe.
gdCtrl.value = iDay+"."+iMonth+"."+iYear; //Here, you could modify the locale as you need !!!!
for (i in goSelectTag)
"var" fehlt vor "i"
var styleTD = " bgcolor='"+gcBG+"' bordercolor='"+gcBG+"' valign='middle' align='center' height='"+iCellHeight+"' style='font:bold "+iDateTextSize+" Courier;"; //Coded by Liming Weng(Victor Won) email:victorwon@netease.com
Victor = i++;
hm....!? Ich habe Variablen noch nie nach mir selber benannt.
with (document) {
write("<Div id='VicPopCal' onblur='fHideCal()' onclick='focus()' style='POSITION:absolute;visibility:hidden;border:2px ridge;width:10;z-index:100;'>");
write("<table border='0' bgcolor='#6699cc'>");
write("<td valign='middle' align='center'><input type='button' name='PrevMonth' value='<' style='height:20;width:20;FONT:16 Fixedsys' onClick='fPrevMonth()' onblur='fHideCal()'>");
write(" <select name='tbSelMonth' onChange='fUpdateCal(tbSelYear.value, tbSelMonth.value)' Victor='Won' onclick='self.event.cancelBubble=true' onblur='fHideCal()'>");
Grauselig. Besonders das HTML Attribut "Victor".