ChrisB: Ländercode

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in der Wikipedia finde ich auch noch die Universal Postal Union,

“The Universal Postal Union (UPU, French: Union postale universelle) is an international organization that coordinates postal policies among member nations, in addition to the worldwide postal system.”

Klingt zumindest so, als ob diese UN-Organisation die einigermaßen anerkannte „Authorität“ auf dem Gebiet wäre.

Deren Website wird allerdings offenbar von Affen betreut, denn beim Aufruf mit Opera leiten sie mich auf /ie6.html um und erklären mir dort, mein Browser sei mit ihrem Meisterwerk nicht kompatibal. (Vielleicht mehr euer Fehler als meiner, ihr Dumpfbacken ...?)

Anyway, dort findet sich u.a. dieses PDF,

“Address elements, formatting an international address and position of the address on the envelop
In addition to recommendations specific to each country, you will also find below rules and more general information on international addressing that apply to all countries.”

Darin findet sich u.a. diese Passage,

“The formatting of the address on an international item is dictated by the recommendations issued by the countries of origin and destination of the item. More specifically, the part of the address indicating the destination country is dictated by the recommendations of the country of origin, while the remainder is dictated by the recommendations of the destination country.

On outward international items, the name of the country of destination must always be printed:
– on the last line of address;
– in capital letters;
– preferably in the language of the dispatching country or in an internationally recognized language.”

MfG ChrisB

RGB is totally confusing - I mean, at least #C0FFEE should be brown, right?