Cookie4ddict: allow/deny in .htaccess wirft Fehler 403

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Hallo alle zusammen!

Ich habe auf einem Server eine Seite in Typo3 liegen die per iFrame in eine andere eingebunden wird.
Dementsprechend möchte ich auch, dass nur die Seite mit dem iFrame die Seite überhaupt anzeigen kann.

Aus diesem Grund habe ich die .htaccess-Datei im Typo3 Ordner angepasst. Sie sieht jetzt so aus:

AddType x-mapp-php5 .php  
order allow,deny  
deny from all  
allow from <IP ADRESSE>  
# Example .htaccess file  
# This file contains a collection of almost everything you will need  
# for optimising TYPO3:  
# - mod_rewrite (used for SimulateStaticDocuments, RealUrl, etc.)  
# - PHP optimisation  
# If you want to use it, you'll need to rename this file to '.htaccess'.  
# (To make this work you will need to adjust the 'AllowOverride'  
# directive in your Apache configuration file.)  
# IMPORTANT: You may need to change this file depending on your TYPO3  
# installation!  
# You should change every occurance of TYPO3root/ to the location where you  
# have your website in. For example:  
# If you have your website located at  
# then your TYPO3root/ is just empty (remove 'TYPO3root/')  
# If you have your website located at  
# then your TYPO3root/ is some/path/ (search and replace)  
# If you have problems with this file, try using the minimal  
# mod_rewrite.htaccess which is located in the typo3_src/misc/  
# directory of this installation.  
# You can also use this configuration in your httpd.conf, but you'll have  
# to modify some lines, see the comments (search for 'httpd.conf')  
# Using rewriting in your httpd.conf is much faster, btw.  
# Questions about this file go to the matching Install mailing list,  
# see  
### Begin: Rewrite stuff ###  
# Enable URL rewriting  
RewriteEngine On  
# To assist in debugging rewriting, you could use these lines  
# DON'T enable it for production!  
# This will only work in httpd.conf, not in .htaccess files  
#RewriteLog /var/log/apache/rewrite.log  
#RewriteLogLevel 9  
# If you use the RealUrl extension, then you'll have to enable the next line.  
# You will have to change this path if your TYPO3 installation is located  
# in a subdirectory of the website root.  
# If you place this in httpd.conf, you cannot use this directive in any case!  
#RewriteBase /  
# Stop rewrite processing if we are in the typo3/ directory  
# For httpd.conf, use this line instead of the next one:  
# RewriteRule ^/TYPO3root/(typo3|typo3temp|typo3conf|t3lib|tslib|fileadmin|uploads|favicon\.ico)/ - [L]  
RewriteRule ^(typo3|t3lib|tslib|fileadmin|typo3conf|typo3temp|uploads|favicon\.ico)/ - [L]  
# Redirect http://mysite/typo3 to http://mysite/typo3/index_re.php  
# and stop the rewrite processing  
# For httpd.conf, use this line instead of the next one:  
# RewriteRule ^/TYPO3root/typo3$ /TYPO3root/typo3/index.php [L]  
RewriteRule ^typo3$ typo3/index_re.php [L]  
# If the file/symlink/directory does not exist => Redirect to index.php  
# Important note: If you copy/paste this into httpd.conf instead  
# of .htaccess you will need to add '%{DOCUMENT_ROOT}' left to each  
# '%{REQUEST_FILENAME}' part.  
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f  
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d  
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l  
# Main URL rewriting.  
# If you use Windows and SimulateStaticDocuments do not work, try adding a  
# slash (/) right before 'index.php' below.  
# The example shows how to rewrite only *.html and *.pdf files to index.php  
# This may be helpful when using an extension that can generate PDF files  
# on the fly.  
# Example: RewriteRule .*.(html|pdf)$ index.php [L]  
# For httpd.conf, use this line instead of the next one that has no '#':  
# RewriteRule .* /TYPO3root/index.php [L]  
# For use with the RealUrl extension, you might need to remove the  
# RewriteBase directive somewhere above and use this line instead of the  
# next one:  
# RewriteRule .* /index.php [L]  
RewriteRule .* index.php [L]  
### End: Rewrite stuff ###  
### Begin: PHP optimisation ###  
# All features below are left to the default if you don't change this.  
# Simply remove the comment marks if you want to use some/all of these  
# settings  
# The PHP developers recommend disabling this feature. Do that.  
# It's deprecated and is likely to be unsupported in future versions of PHP.  
#php_flag allow_call_time_pass_reference off  
# TYPO3 works fine with register_globals turned off.  
# This is highly recommended!  
#php_flag register_globals off  
# PHP may not declare the argv & argc variables (that would contain the GET  
# information).  
# TYPO3 doesn't need this, so just turn it off.  
#php_flag register_argc_argv off  
# Magic quotes for runtime-generated data (data from SQL, exec(), etc.)  
#php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off  
# Order in which PHP registers GET, POST, Cookie and Built-in variables  
#php_value variables_order GPCS  
### End: PHP optimisation ###  
# Add your own rules here  
# ...  

Obwohl die Datei meiner Meinung nach funktionieren müsste habe ich das Problem, dass überall (auch im iFrame) immer "Forbidden
You don't have permission to access /index.php on this server.

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. " ausgegeben wird.

Habe ich hier etwas falsch verstanden bzw. übersehen?

Danke schon einmal!

Liebe Grüße,


P.S.: Gegoogled habe ich auch und eine Lösung in Form von "Pass doch mal die chmods der Dateien an" gefunden - das hat allerdings nichts gebracht