jobo: echo-Formatierung fehlerhaft

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Om nah hoo pez nyeetz, Gunnar Bittersmann!

Aus demselben Grund, warum ich auch in JavaScript

und CSS

immer Semikolons setze, selbst wenn sie entbehrlich sind.


Naja, es hängt am Coding-Standard und daran, welchen Fehler man u.U. produziert (bei Javascript kann das verheerend sein!).

"In our examples, we make use of PHP long tags: <?php. We also favor the use of » alternate syntax for control structures. These are convenient shorthands to use when writing view scripts, as they make the constructs more terse, keep statements on single lines, and eliminate the need to hunt for brackets within HTML.

In previous versions, we often recommended using short tags (<? and <?=), as they make the view scripts slightly less verbose. However, the default for the php.ini short_open_tag setting is typically off in production or on shared hosts -- making their use not terribly portable. If you use template XML in view scripts, short open tags will cause the templates to fail validation. Finally, if you use short tags when short_open_tag is off, the view scripts will either cause errors or simply echo PHP code back to the viewer."

