[latex]Mae govannen![/latex]
Ja, das habe ich gemacht. Trotzdem nur undefined.
Da war doch noch was mit Kamelen.
ja, stimmt. „rowSpan“ ist in meiner Transformationsliste:
var attrNames = {
accesskey: 'accessKey', alink: 'aLink', bgcolor: 'bgColor',
cellpadding: 'cellPadding', cellspacing: 'cellSpacing', charoff: 'chOff',
'class': 'className', codebase: 'codeBase', codetype: 'codeType', colspan: 'colSpan',
datetime: 'dateTime', 'for': 'htmlFor', frameborder: 'frameBorder',
framespacing: 'frameSpacing', ismap: 'isMap', longdesc: 'longDesc',
marginheight: 'marginHeight', marginwidth: 'marginWidth', maxlength: 'maxLength',
nohref: 'noHref', noresize: 'noResize', nowrap: 'noWrap', readonly: 'readOnly',
rowspan: 'rowSpan', tabindex: 'tabIndex', 'usemap': 'useMap', valign: 'vAlign',
vlink: 'vLink'
Also dieses statt „rowspan“ nutzen.
Stur lächeln und winken, Männer!
It all began when I went on a tour, hoping to find some furniture
Followed a sign saying "Beautiful Chest", led to a lady who showed me her best)
It all began when I went on a tour, hoping to find some furniture
Followed a sign saying "Beautiful Chest", led to a lady who showed me her best)