Peter: App-Prog Angebot - Erfahrungen?

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Hallo Leute,

ich betreibe selbst eine Band-Homepage. Jetzt habe ich eine Mail von

Amy "" erhalten mit dem Angebot, dass die mir für meine Page eine passende App programmieren. Das ganze komplett kostenfrei, wobei sie jedoch um eine 10$ Spende bitten.

Ich habe mit Apps leider überhaupt keine Erfahrungen und kann das ganze nicht so wirklich einschätzen, ob man das heutzutage machen sollte oder halt nicht. Und wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe, - mein Englisch ist ledier nicht so perfekt - haben die bereits etwas über Facebook online gestellt, was ich jedoch löschen lassen kann, indem ich eine Mail mit dem Betreff "Delete" zurück sende. Das kommt mir alles irgendwie unseriös vor.
Dürfen die das so einfach?

Hat da jemand von Euch erfahrungen oder Meinungen zu?

Folgend mal die Mail zum nachlesen:

We built you a free iPhone/Android app demo based on your public content for
you to review (customize or delete), because we believe every Facebook page
should offer fans a personalized mobile app. Your app not visible to the
public unless you approve.

Your iPhone/Android app -> (see attached screen shot)

To make your app look & feel unique, view fan usage stats, auto sync your
Youtube/Twitter/SoundCloud promotional content with your app, visit your
Facebook App Control Center ->

To have your app deleted, please reply with "delete" in the Subject line
(which auto unsubscribes you).

Following are frequently asked questions.

  1. what can my app do?
    .. enable fans to save your app icon on their iPhone home screen, next to
    other apps = everything about you within a single touch
    .. help fans promote you by leveraging the new Facebook App Center unique
    discovery engine (Facebook sends notifications and recommends your app to
    friends of your fans = new people discover your app through their friends)
    .. install direct from your Facebook page via iPhone/Android Facebook tab
    .. auto sync with your Youtube, Twitter, Facebook & SoundCloud promotional
    .. increase sales through add-on iTunes app button
    .. push notifications to fans that opt-in
    .. one touch connect to your Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, SoundCloud content
    without forcing mobile fans to visit each site

  2. on what platforms does my app run?
    .. iPhone & Android, Safari/Chrome supported
    .. Microsoft Windows IE & Firefox not supported

  3. what does this cost?
    Your new app is free for you and your fans. We request a one-time $10
    donation (which can be made by Paypal purchase of an add-on promotion
    service, add-on buttons like iTunes button, or extra customization). This is
    request and not requirement.

  4. how do i customize look & feel?
    Visit your App Control Center.

  5. where can i see how other bands use these apps?

  6. why does my app control center use Facebook Connect?
    To prevent others from changing your mobile app, only the person(s) that
    admin a Facebook page can control the app built for that Facebook page.
    Your app control center uses the Facebook Connect system to verify the pages
    you admin = the apps you can control.

  7. who are we?
    we are a small team that built a way for every band on facebook to own their
    own app.  we are building apps as fast a we can for facebook band page
    owners to review (this is how we found you).  the apps allow fans to connect
    to everything about the artist, from one app icon on the fans' iphone
    desktop (music, video, wall, youtube, photos, tour dates, and more).  if
    you/the band update your app buttons via your app control center with info
    like your youtube page url this could make it better experience for fans if
    you choose to share the app, and help in your review process.  the app auto
    syncs = your content stays fresh without you/the artist having to put in any
    extra work.

  8. can i add my app icon to my mobile phone desktop, next to my other app
    yes, after you load your app in the phone browser:
    .. on iphone, tap bottom row, middle button, select "save to home screen"
    .. on android, (a) bookmark your app, then (b) visit bookmarked pages screen
    and long press the thumbnail image of the bookmarked app, when screen pops
    up, select 'save shortcut to home screen'.
    this adds your app icon to your phone's desktop, next to your other app

Thank you,
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