judging from your e-mail address I guess you're Austrian. So there's no point in posting in the world's mostfrequently used language, which is "bad English".
[...] unfortunately they are displayed in a tabular form and not at the coordinates I assign to them
Well, you do *not* assign any coordinates ...
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="ShoppingCart.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>
This has nothing to do with your problem, which is a client-related one. So you'd better left that away to avoid confusion, and instead posted the pure client-side code.
<head runat="server">
This non-standard attribute, too, hopefully never appears at the client's side.
dm.style.Left = e.offsetX;
dm.style.Top = e.offsetY;
What are you expecting from creating arbitrary properties within the style object? Maybe you meant the left and top properties, so name them correctly.
<form id="form1" runat="server">
Again: Irrelevant server-side code that only confuses people who aren't familiar with IIS techniques.
.product {
Oops, this suddenly looks like CSS code. Why don't you tag it adequately, as you did with the HTML code?
So long,
Man ist so alt, wie man sich fühlt.
Aber niemals so wichtig.
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