mrgreen: destroy backstretch

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ich habe 2 Scripts, 1. eine jquery/backstretch slideshow, 2. die funktion enquire.register, um backstretch zu stoppen bei kleineren Devices als 1024px.

Das funktioniert soweit beim 1. Bild der Slidshow, die folgenden werden aber wieder angezeigt. Wie kann ich also backstretch definitiv 'destroyen'?

Danke für eure Hilfe!

    // Create an array of images that you'd like to use  
        var images = ["",  
        // A little script for preloading all of the images  
        // It's not necessary, but generally a good idea  
         $('<img/>')[0].src = this;  
        // The index variable will keep track of which image is currently showing  
      var index = 0;  
        // Call backstretch for the first time,  
        // Here was the first backstretch-instance  
        // Set an interval that increments the index and sets the new image  
        // Note: The fadeIn speed set above will be inherited  
        setInterval(function() {  
            index = (index >= images.length - 1) ? 0 : index + 1;  
            $.backstretch(images[index], {speed: 2000});  
        }, 10000);  

    enquire.register('screen and (min-width: 1024px)', {  
        match: function() {  
     $.backstretch(images[index], {speed: 1});  
        unmatch: function() {  