@@Gunnar Bittersmann
- ITS verwenden
<script type="application/its+xml"> <its:rules xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its" version="2.0" queryLanguage="css"> <its:locNoteRule locNoteType="alert" selector="#figure3"> <its:locNote>Feel free to change the word ‘German’ below to the language you are translating into, and translate the text of the following example too (apart, of course, from the word ‘CONTINUE’). The `translate=no` markup here is to protect the text from machine translation.</its:locNote> </its:locNoteRule> </its:rules> </script>
Wie mir Richard Ishida gemailt hat, geht das in HTML5 einfacher, indem man ITS-Attribute direkt in HTML verwendet (worum’s hier ja auch eigentlich ging:
<p>In a <span its-loc-note="Feel free to change the word 'German' to the language you are translating into, if you translate the following example." its-loc-note-type="alert">German</span> translation this will become:</p>
<figure class="example" translate="no" its-loc-note="Human translators can translate this example, despite the translate flag on this figure (apart, of course , from the word CONTINUE). The translate=no markup on figure is to protect the text from machine translation." its-loc-note-type="alert">
<code><p>Drücken Sie Fortsetzen in der Statusanzeige oder die<br>
Taste <span class="panelmsg" translate="no">CONTINUE</span><br>
an Ihrem Drucker.</p></code>
Wird jetzt auch so im Quelltext dieses Artikels verwendet.
„Talente finden Lösungen, Genies entdecken Probleme.“ (Hans Krailsheimer)
„Talente finden Lösungen, Genies entdecken Probleme.“ (Hans Krailsheimer)