@@Matthias Apsel
Es wäre vielleicht keine schlechte Idee, diese Dinge (also, was nun wirklich keinen Aufwand bedeutet) zusammenzutragen
Marcy Sutton hat genau das auf der beyond tellerrand in München in ihrem Vortrag »Radically Accessible Internet Applications 💯« getan; gibt’s auf Vimeo oder Youtube zu sehen.
“…all of a sudden my job was to make accessible applications and websites. And through that engagement I learned so much about accessibility and I met people with disabilities which really showed me how much my work mattered to them. I could change lives and make a bigger impact and that’s why I have never been able to turn that switch off in my mind for accessibility. And I hope that today I can make champions out of all of you.”
“When UX doesn’t consider all users, shouldn’t it be known as ‘Some User Experience’ or... SUX? #a11y” —Billy Gregory
“When UX doesn’t consider all users, shouldn’t it be known as ‘Some User Experience’ or... SUX? #a11y” —Billy Gregory