Hallo dedlfix,
Forum Debugging ist doch eine beliebte Methode. Und oft genug auch erfolgreich genug.
Vermutlich mindestens so erfolgreich wie die klassische Methode des Organic Debugging.
Aus dem (zurückgewiesenen) Eintrag des „The New Hacker's Dictionary“ (fett von mir):
Reportedly, the output from a compilation or assembly of the suspect program is placed on the floor, with a large flat dish on top of it, and an indoor plant in a pot is placed in the centre of the dish. The dish is then filled with water. The principle is that any bugs in the program will be attracted towards the house plant and drown as they try to cross the intervening water. From statistical evidence this seems about as effective a technique as many others currently in use.
Die Terminologie zeigt das Alter des Begriffs, er dürfte aus den 60ern stammen 😂
sumpsi - posui - clusi