Aloha ;)
Vielen Dank für die Hilfe! Leider löst es mein konkretes Problem noch nicht vollständig - denn der Scanner wird übers Netzwerk leider immer noch nicht erkannt; Drucken geht übers Netzwerk.
Aber mit USB-Verbindung und iscan tuts - daher nun mal auf jeden Fall für dich die entsprechende Ausgabe von scanimage -A
All options specific to device `epson2:libusb:001:005':
Scan Mode:
--mode Lineart|Gray|Color [Lineart]
Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).
--depth 8bit [inactive]
Number of bits per sample, typical values are 1 for "line-art" and 8
for multibit scans.
--halftoning None|Halftone A (Hard Tone)|Halftone B (Soft Tone)|Halftone C (Net Screen)|Dither A (4x4 Bayer)|Dither B (4x4 Spiral)|Dither C (4x4 Net Screen)|Dither D (8x4 Net Screen)|Text Enhanced Technology|Download pattern A|Download pattern B [inactive]
Selects the halftone.
--dropout None|Red|Green|Blue [None]
Selects the dropout.
--brightness 0..0 [inactive]
Selects the brightness.
--sharpness -2..2 [inactive]
--gamma-correction User defined (Gamma=1.0)|User defined (Gamma=1.8) [User defined (Gamma=1.8)]
Selects the gamma correction value from a list of pre-defined devices
or the user defined table, which can be downloaded to the scanner
--color-correction None|Built in CCT profile|User defined CCT profile [inactive]
Sets the color correction table for the selected output device.
--resolution 75|300|600|1200dpi [75]
Sets the resolution of the scanned image.
--threshold 0..255 [128]
Select minimum-brightness to get a white point
--mirror[=(yes|no)] [inactive]
Mirror the image.
--auto-area-segmentation[=(yes|no)] [inactive]
Enables different dithering modes in image and text areas
--red-gamma-table 0..255,...
Gamma-correction table for the red band.
--green-gamma-table 0..255,...
Gamma-correction table for the green band.
--blue-gamma-table 0..255,...
Gamma-correction table for the blue band.
--wait-for-button[=(yes|no)] [no]
After sending the scan command, wait until the button on the scanner
is pressed to actually start the scan process.
Color correction:
--cct-type Automatic|Reflective|Colour negatives|Monochrome negatives|Colour positives [inactive]
Color correction profile type
--cct-profile -2..2,...
Color correction profile data
--preview[=(yes|no)] [no]
Request a preview-quality scan.
-l 0..215.9mm [0]
Top-left x position of scan area.
-t 0..297.18mm [0]
Top-left y position of scan area.
-x 0..215.9mm [215.9]
Width of scan-area.
-y 0..297.18mm [297.18]
Height of scan-area.
Optional equipment:
--source Flatbed [inactive]
Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).
--auto-eject[=(yes|no)] [inactive]
Eject document after scanning
--film-type Positive Film|Negative Film|Positive Slide|Negative Slide [inactive]
--focus-position Focus on glass|Focus 2.5mm above glass [inactive]
Sets the focus position to either the glass or 2.5mm above the glass
--bay 1|2|3|4|5|6 [inactive]
Select bay to scan
--eject [inactive]
Eject the sheet in the ADF
--adf-mode Simplex|Duplex [inactive]
Selects the ADF mode (simplex/duplex)
Bin mal gespannt, ob ich fürs Scannen via Netzwerk noch eine Lösung finde.