Gunnar Bittersmann: Grid - Wie bewege die aside-Element

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@@ liebewinter

danke für deine empfehlungen aber ich habe nicht gur verstande was du meinst....

Marc meinte das:

“If you reorder things visually using grid layout, this will not change how the items are ordered if the content is being read out by a screen reader, or other text to speech user agent. In addition, the reordering will not change tab order. This means that someone navigating using the keyboard could be tabbing through links on your site and suddenly find themselves jumping from the top to the bottom of the document due to a reordered item being next in line.
The specification warns authors (the CSSWG term for web developers) not to do this reordering.”

—MDN: CSS Grid Layout and Accessibility

“Authors must use order and the grid-placement properties only for visual, not logical, reordering of content. Style sheets that use these features to perform logical reordering are non-conforming.”
—CSS Grid Layout Module Level 1, 4. Reordering and Accessibility


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