MB: Warum nicht Error & Exception Überprüfung in Validatoren

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$ta = new TableAttributs( 'id', 'class', 1, 1 );
$tcol = new TableColum( 'id', 'class', '1' );
$tset = new TableSettings( 'id', 'class', null, [ $tcol, $tcol, $tcol, $tcol ] );
$tc = new TableCell( 'foobar', $ta );
$tr = new TableRow( [ $tc, $tc, $tc, $tc ] );
$ts = new TableSection( [ $tr, $tr ], $ta );
$t = new TableConstructor( 'Foo Bar', $tset, $ts, $ts, $ts );
echo $t;

mit Template

<!-- TABLE -->
    <?php if( isset( $attributs->id ) and !empty( $attributs->id ) ) : ?>
    id="<?php echo $attributs->id ?>"
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if( isset( $attributs->class ) and !empty( $attributs->class ) ) : ?>
    class="<?php echo $attributs->class ?>"
    <?php endif; ?>>
    <!-- COLUMN GROUPS -->
    <?php if( isset( $settings ) and !empty( $settings ) ) : ?>
        <?php if( isset( $settings->id ) and !empty( $settings->id ) ) : ?>
        id="<?php echo $settings->id ?>"
        <?php endif; ?>
        <?php if( isset( $settings->class ) and !empty( $settings->class ) ) : ?>
        class="<?php echo $settings->class ?>"
        <?php endif; ?>
        <?php if( isset( $settings->span ) and !empty( $settings->span ) ) : ?>
        span="<?php echo $settings->span ?>"
        <?php endif; ?>
        <?php if( isset( $settings->columns ) and !empty( $settings->columns ) ) : ?>
        <?php for( $i = 0; $i < count( $settings->columns ); $i++ ) : ?>
            <?php if( isset( $settings->columns[ $i ]->id ) and !empty( $settings->columns[ $i ]->id ) ) : ?>
            id="<?php echo $settings->columns[ $i ]->id ?>"
            <?php endif; ?>
            <?php if( isset( $settings->columns[ $i ]->class ) and !empty( $settings->columns[ $i ]->class ) ) : ?>
            class="<?php echo $settings->columns[ $i ]->class ?>"
            <?php endif; ?>
            <?php if( isset( $settings->columns[ $i ]->span ) and !empty( $settings->columns[ $i ]->span ) ) : ?>
            span="<?php echo $settings->columns[ $i ]->span ?>"
            <?php endif; ?>>
        <?php endfor ?>
        <?php endif ?>
    <?php endif ?>
    <!-- CAPTION -->
    <?php if( isset( $caption ) and !empty( $caption ) ) : ?>
    <caption><?php echo $caption ?></caption>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <!-- MATRIX -->
    <?php foreach( $sections as $key => $section ) : ?>
    <?php if( $section === null ) continue; // if one of section is not defined like '<tfoot>' ?>
    <!-- SECTION -->
    <t<?php echo $key; ?>
        <?php if( isset( $section->attributs->id ) and !empty( $section->attributs->id ) ) : ?>
        id="<?php echo $section->attributs->id ?>"
        <?php endif; ?>
        <?php if( isset( $section->attributs->class ) and !empty( $section->attributs->class ) ) : ?>
        class="<?php echo $section->attributs->class ?>"
        <?php endif; ?>>
        <?php for( $i = 0; $i < count( $section->row ); $i++ ) : ?>
            <?php if( isset( $section->row[ $i ]->attributs->id ) and !empty( $section->row[ $i ]->attributs->id ) ) : ?>
            id="<?php echo $section->row[ $i ]->attributs->id ?>"
            <?php endif; ?>
            <?php if( isset( $section->row[ $i ]->attributs->class ) and !empty( $section->row[ $i ]->attributs->class ) ) : ?>
            class="<?php echo $section->row[ $i ]->attributs->class ?>"
            <?php endif; ?>>
            <?php for( $j = 0; $j < count( $section->row[ $i ]->cell ); $j++ ) : ?>
            <<?php if( $key === 'head' or $j === 0 and $key !== 'foot' ) :?>th<?php else: ?>td<?php endif; ?>
                <?php if( isset( $section->row[ $i ]->cell[ $j ]->attributs->id ) and !empty( $section->row[ $i ]->cell[ $j ]->attributs->id ) ) : ?>
                id="<?php echo $section->row[ $i ]->cell[ $j ]->attributs->id ?>"
                <?php endif; ?>
                <?php if( isset( $section->row[ $i ]->cell[ $j ]->attributs->class ) and !empty( $section->row[ $i ]->cell[ $j ]->attributs->class ) ) : ?>
                class="<?php echo $section->row[ $i ]->cell[ $j ]->attributs->class ?>"
                <?php endif; ?>
                <?php if( isset( $section->row[ $i ]->cell[ $j ]->attributs->row ) and !empty( $section->row[ $i ]->cell[ $j ]->attributs->row ) ) : ?>
                rowspan="<?php echo $section->row[ $i ]->cell[ $j ]->attributs->row ?>"
                <?php endif; ?>
                <?php if( isset( $section->row[ $i ]->cell[ $j ]->attributs->column ) and !empty( $section->row[ $i ]->cell[ $j ]->attributs->column ) ) : ?>
                colspan="<?php echo $section->row[ $i ]->cell[ $j ]->attributs->column ?>"
                <?php endif; ?>>
                <?php echo $section->row[ $i ]->cell[ $j ]->content ?>
            </<?php if( $key === 'head' or $j === 0 and $key !== 'foot' ) :?>th<?php else: ?>td<?php endif; ?>>
            <?php endfor; ?>
        <?php endfor; ?>
    </t<?php echo $key; ?>>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

heraus kam

    <!-- COLUMN GROUPS -->
    <colgroup id="id" class="class">
        <col id="id" class="class" span="1">
        <!-- soon -->
    <!-- CAPTION -->
    <caption>Foo Bar</caption>
    <!-- MATRIX -->
    <!-- SECTION -->
    <thead id="id" class="class">
            <th id="id" class="class" rowspan="1" colspan="1">
            <!-- soon -->
        <!-- soon -->
        <!-- soon -->
        <!-- soon -->

Ich habs mit abstrakten Eltern Klassen gemacht und Interfaces verwendet
