Ach herrje, Version 7 vom 27.04.1998. Ein Museumsstück par excellence.
Mail ist schon unterwegs.
Ob die überhaupt wissen, wer da vor Urzeiten eine Dokumentensammlung in fremder Sprache angelegt hat? Die Rückmeldung, so denn eine kommt, würde mich schon interessieren. :-)
eben per Mail gekommen:
If you have been looking around on different parts of our site which do not have links to the outside world you will no doubt find all sorts of obsolete things. We have had a web page for a long time, and the person who added the pages you refer to has not been here for a long time (he’s now in Potsdam). Since, however, this set of pages seems to be an obsolete copy of your material, we will do as you ask.
Best regards,
John V…
Herzliche Grüße
Matthias Scharwies