Fredy: Csv mit DBI in Perl

Ich möchte gerne mit der CSV Schnittstelle vom DBI-Package eine Textdb auslesen, doch das installieren von Perl-Modulen macht mir immer wieder probleme. So bekomme ich zB beim Testen (Testskript das mitgeliefert wird) dieser Schnittstelle folgende (nette) Meldung:

Test failed, message: install_driver(CSV) failed: Can't find loadable object for
module SQL::Statement in @INC (C:\PERL\lib\site C:\PERL\lib c:\perl\lib c:\perl
\lib\site c:\perl\lib\site .) at C:\PERL\lib\site/DBD/ line 29

Perhaps DBD::CSV was statically linked into a new perl binary.
In which case you need to use that new perl binary.
        DBI::install_driver('DBI', 'CSV') called at C:\PERL\lib\site/ line
        DBI::connect('DBI', 'DBI:CSV:f_dir=output', undef, undef, 'HASH(0x789a5c
)') called at line 49
        main::__ANON__ called at line 24
        eval {...} called at line 22
        main::TimeMe('Testing connect/disconnect speed ...', '%d connections in
%.1f cpu+sys seconds (%d per sec)', 'CODE(0x76b2f4)', 2000) called at li
ne 53

DBD::CSV initialisation failed: Can't locate object method "driver" via package
"DBD::CSV" at C:\PERL\lib\site/ line 395.
at line 55

Danke im Voraus