Michael Schröpl: Microsoft's Linux Products

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lest mal diese Seite:

Vielen Dank!
Der ganze Server ist ja so was von cooooool!
(Daß die keine Angst wegen der M$-Icons haben ...)

Habt ihr mal probiert, Euch auf die Mail-Liste
setzen zu lassen?
*Das* kommt gut, echt ... gröööl ...

Und da war dann noch der hier:

Microsoft is not a monopoly

The Department of Justice is wrong. Windows 98
is definitely not a monopoly. Just have a look at the
abundance of competition Microsoft Windows 98
has - All Microsoft Windows NT, Microsoft
Windows 2000, Microsoft DOS and Microsoft
Linux are serious threats to the market position of
Microsoft Windows 98.

On the other hand, UNIX style operating systems,
like Linux or FreeBSD have a monopoly on
operating systems that are stable, fast and
scalable. The UNIX crowd's monopoly hurts fair
competition (no matter how many millions Microsoft
marketing spends, they can't make everyone
believe Windows 2000 is an alternative to the
UNIXes) and customers.

Customers should not be forced to go with Linux of
FreeBSD just because there is no workable

We demand that Linux development must be split
up, and that Linux source code must be made
available to Microsoft.
