scribble: Mozilla: -moz-border-radius für einzelne Ecken

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Hallo Peter

ist es möglich, -moz-border-radius für einzelne Ecken zu deakti-
vieren? Das Problem ist sicher nachvollziehbar, wenn man sich die
(noch immer aufgeklappten) DropDown-Menüs auf anschaut ...

1 minute suchen bei google ergab:

A quick flip through some source code shows the following extensions to
CSS being parsed in Mozilla (I didn't check all the keywords for things
I didn't recognize as CSS2).  There are currently properties being
parsed that aren't otherwise implemented, although I suspect the
parsing for these properties may be removed before release.  I can't
guarantee that the Netscape commercial version is the same as Mozilla,
but I wouldn't expect any differences.

Properties with the -moz- prefix:

- These properties are for rounded corners on borders and outlines.
    The shorthand ones take up to 4 lengths or percentages.

probiers einfach mal :-))

gruss scribble