Mr. President Bush: (OT) White Russian und andere Dinge, die verboten gehoeren

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That's the point. I do indeed drink beer, may be a little too much from time to time, but wait, I'm the king of chess, but I do not have time to play. What a pitty ...

Concerning to beer ... and chess ..., I would like to mention ..., that aaaall our brothers and sisters ... in that small world out there ..., aaaaaall equal ... in some kind ... of behaviour ..., and aaaaall observing a proudness ... of having the choice ... whether to drink ... beer ... or not ... to drink ... beer ..., are invited ... to play chess ... - ... even --- and let me give you these words ... with aaaaall my god-given ... emphasis --- even if they don't have the time ... to play this gaaaaaaame of the kings!

A toast ... to all our friends ... in the world!

The President of the United States ... of America,