Hanno: Was ist mit Python?

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe folgendes Problem: Ich habe den Apache 2.1 installiert. PHP und Perl habe ich locker implementiert bekommen und das funzt auch ohne Probleme.

Jedoch sitzte ich jetzt bereits seit 2 Stunden an Python... Habe Python (von python.org) und mod_python installiert.

In der httpd.conf befindet sich (zum Thema Python):

LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.so
AddType application/x-httpd-python .py .pyc .pyw .pye

Apache fährt ordnungsgemäß hoch (dauert nur etwas länger !?!).

In der .htaccess (im Stammverzeichnis htdocs) steht (zu Python):
AddType application/x-httpd-python .py .pyc .pyw .pye
AddHandler python-program .py .pyc .pyw .pye

Doch entweder er macht nur Müll (als html ausparsen) oder er bietet mir die Datei zum Download an.

Hat jemand eine Lösung für mich?

  1. Hi,

    ich habe folgendes Problem: Ich habe den Apache 2.1 installiert.

    Gibt's den schon? auf der Apache Homepage gibts nen 1.3.xx und nen 2.0.xx

    Jedoch sitzte ich jetzt bereits seit 2 Stunden an Python... Habe Python (von python.org) und mod_python installiert.
    Doch entweder er macht nur Müll (als html ausparsen) oder er bietet mir die Datei zum Download an.

    Steht was im error.log?


    MudGuard? Siehe http://www.Mud-Guard.de/
    1. Ich habe mod_perl runtergeladen (von apache.org). Da war er bei.


      [Mon Feb 16 20:13:20 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 772
      [Mon Feb 16 20:13:45 2004] [notice] Child 772: Child process is running
      [Mon Feb 16 20:13:45 2004] [notice] Parent: Received shutdown signal -- Shutting down the server.
      [Mon Feb 16 20:13:45 2004] [notice] Child 772: Acquired the start mutex.
      [Mon Feb 16 20:13:45 2004] [notice] Child 772: Starting 250 worker threads.
      [Mon Feb 16 20:13:45 2004] [notice] Child 772: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending.
      [Mon Feb 16 20:13:47 2004] [notice] Child 772: Released the start mutex
      [Mon Feb 16 20:13:48 2004] [notice] Child 772: Waiting for 250 worker threads to exit.
      [Mon Feb 16 20:13:48 2004] [notice] Child 772: All worker threads have exited.
      [Mon Feb 16 20:13:48 2004] [notice] Child 772: Child process is exiting
      [Mon Feb 16 20:13:48 2004] [notice] Parent: Child process exited successfully.
      [Mon Feb 16 20:14:38 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 2596
      [Mon Feb 16 20:14:54 2004] [notice] Child 2596: Child process is running
      [Mon Feb 16 20:14:54 2004] [notice] Child 2596: Acquired the start mutex.
      [Mon Feb 16 20:14:54 2004] [notice] Child 2596: Starting 250 worker threads.
      [Mon Feb 16 20:17:50 2004] [error] file error - header.html: not found D:/Apache2/template/printenv.html
      [Mon Feb 16 20:18:13 2004] [notice] Parent: Received shutdown signal -- Shutting down the server.
      [Mon Feb 16 20:18:13 2004] [notice] Child 2596: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending.
      [Mon Feb 16 20:18:14 2004] [notice] Child 2596: Released the start mutex
      [Mon Feb 16 20:18:15 2004] [notice] Child 2596: Waiting for 250 worker threads to exit.
      [Mon Feb 16 20:18:16 2004] [notice] Child 2596: All worker threads have exited.
      [Mon Feb 16 20:18:16 2004] [notice] Child 2596: Child process is exiting
      [Mon Feb 16 20:18:16 2004] [notice] Parent: Child process exited successfully.
      [Mon Feb 16 20:20:51 2004] [warn] Init: Session Cache is not configured [hint: SSLSessionCache]
      [Mon Feb 16 20:21:27 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 3520
      [Mon Feb 16 20:21:52 2004] [warn] Init: Session Cache is not configured [hint: SSLSessionCache]
      [Mon Feb 16 20:22:22 2004] [notice] Child 3520: Child process is running
      [Mon Feb 16 20:22:22 2004] [notice] Child 3520: Acquired the start mutex.
      [Mon Feb 16 20:22:22 2004] [notice] Child 3520: Starting 250 worker threads.
      [Mon Feb 16 20:23:39 2004] [error] [client] (70014)End of file found: Failed to read cgi file D:/Apache2/cgi-bin/printenv.pl for testing
      [Mon Feb 16 20:23:39 2004] [error] [client] (70014)End of file found: don't know how to spawn child process: D:/Apache2/cgi-bin/printenv.pl
      [Mon Feb 16 20:24:46 2004] [notice] Parent: Received shutdown signal -- Shutting down the server.
      [Mon Feb 16 20:24:46 2004] [notice] Child 3520: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending.
      [Mon Feb 16 20:24:48 2004] [notice] Child 3520: Released the start mutex
      [Mon Feb 16 20:24:49 2004] [notice] Child 3520: Waiting for 250 worker threads to exit.
      [Mon Feb 16 20:24:57 2004] [notice] Child 3520: All worker threads have exited.
      [Mon Feb 16 20:24:57 2004] [notice] Child 3520: Child process is exiting
      [Mon Feb 16 20:24:57 2004] [notice] Parent: Child process exited successfully.
      [Mon Feb 16 20:25:56 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 3208
      [Mon Feb 16 20:26:45 2004] [notice] Child 3208: Child process is running


      ich habe folgendes Problem: Ich habe den Apache 2.1 installiert.

      Gibt's den schon? auf der Apache Homepage gibts nen 1.3.xx und nen 2.0.xx

      Jedoch sitzte ich jetzt bereits seit 2 Stunden an Python... Habe Python (von python.org) und mod_python installiert.
      Doch entweder er macht nur Müll (als html ausparsen) oder er bietet mir die Datei zum Download an.

      Steht was im error.log?


      1. Hi,

        Ich habe mod_perl runtergeladen (von apache.org). Da war er bei.



        Es hätte vollkommen genügt, zu schreiben, daß da nichts relevantes zu mod_python drinsteht - zig irrelevante Zeilen error.log waren nicht nötig.


        MudGuard? Siehe http://www.Mud-Guard.de/
        1. und was jetzt ;-)

          1. Habe die error.log geleert und Apache neu gestartet:

            [Fri Feb 20 21:45:46 2004] [notice] mod_python: Creating 32 session mutexes based on 0 max processes and 250 max threads.
            [Fri Feb 20 21:45:48 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 1944
            [Fri Feb 20 21:47:05 2004] [warn] Init: Session Cache is not configured [hint: SSLSessionCache]
            [Fri Feb 20 21:48:23 2004] [notice] mod_python: Creating 32 session mutexes based on 0 max processes and 250 max threads.
            [Fri Feb 20 21:48:25 2004] [notice] Child 1944: Child process is running
            [Fri Feb 20 21:48:25 2004] [notice] Child 1944: Acquired the start mutex.
            [Fri Feb 20 21:48:25 2004] [notice] Child 1944: Starting 250 worker threads.