hanna: Was ist mit Python?

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Habe die error.log geleert und Apache neu gestartet:

[Fri Feb 20 21:45:46 2004] [notice] mod_python: Creating 32 session mutexes based on 0 max processes and 250 max threads.
[Fri Feb 20 21:45:48 2004] [notice] Parent: Created child process 1944
[Fri Feb 20 21:47:05 2004] [warn] Init: Session Cache is not configured [hint: SSLSessionCache]
[Fri Feb 20 21:48:23 2004] [notice] mod_python: Creating 32 session mutexes based on 0 max processes and 250 max threads.
[Fri Feb 20 21:48:25 2004] [notice] Child 1944: Child process is running
[Fri Feb 20 21:48:25 2004] [notice] Child 1944: Acquired the start mutex.
[Fri Feb 20 21:48:25 2004] [notice] Child 1944: Starting 250 worker threads.