Michi84: vlink soll sich nicht verändern!

Hi! Ich habe ein kleines Problem.

Bei meiner "Menüleiste" verändern sich die besuchten links, was ich eigentlich verhindern möchte! Kann mir jemand helfen habe keine Ahnung wo ich da was ändern muss!

<style type="text/css"> .dot         { position: absolute; width: 10; height: 10; visibility: hidden; background-color: gray; font-size: 10px; cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; z-index: 100 } .dotoff      { position: absolute; width: 10; height: 10; visibility: hidden; background-color: gray; font-size: 10px; cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; z-index: 100 } .dotempty    { position: absolute; width: 10; height: 10; visibility: hidden; background-color: #6A6A6A; font-size: 10px; cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; zindex: 100 } .caption     { position: absolute; visibility: hidden; font-family: Arial; color: #959595;                font-size: 15px; text-align: Center; cursor: default; z-index:                1 }

body     { margin: 0px; background-color: white; } a      { color: silver; text-decoration: none } p      { font-size: 15px; font-family: Arial; color: #959595 } </style> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

function lib_bwcheck(){ //Browsercheck (needed) this.ver=navigator.appVersion this.agent=navigator.userAgent this.dom=document.getElementById?1:0 this.opera5=this.agent.indexOf("Opera 5")>-1 this.ie5=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 5")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0; this.ie6=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 6")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0; this.ie4=(document.all && !this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0; this.ie=this.ie4||this.ie5||this.ie6 this.mac=this.agent.indexOf("Mac")>-1 this.ns6=(this.dom && parseInt(this.ver) >= 5) ?1:0; this.ns4=(document.layers && !this.dom)?1:0; this.bw=(this.ie6 || this.ie5 || this.ie4 || this.ns4 || this.ns6 || this.opera5) return this } var bw=new lib_bwcheck()

// The code of this script is in the body, the browsercheck above is not used.

</script> </head>

<body marginleft="0" marginheight="0"<body style="background-image:url(bg.gif);width:209;height:125;background-attachment:fixed;">

<br> <script language="javascript1.2" type="text/javascript"> <!-- // DotMenu // provides cross-browser functionality //====================================== function getObjectRef(name) {   if(document.getElementById) return document.getElementById(name);   else if(document.all) return document.all[name];   else return null; }

// general functions to assist the script //======================================== function show(name) {   var el = getObjectRef(name);   if(el) el.style.visibility = "visible"; } function hide(name) {   var el = getObjectRef(name);   if(el) el.style.visibility = "hidden"; } function getWidth(name) {   var el = getObjectRef(name);   return el.offsetWidth; } function getHeight(name) {   var el = getObjectRef(name);   return el.offsetHeight; } function moveMe(name,x,y) {   var el = getObjectRef(name);   if(el) { el.style.top = parseInt(y); el.style.left = parseInt(x); } } function moveBy(name,x,y) {   var el = getObjectRef(name);   if(el) { el.style.top = parseInt(el.style.top) + parseInt(y); el.style.left = parseInt(el.style.left) + parseInt(x); } }

// Creates the menu objects //========================== var menuCount = 0; function menuObject(name,x,y,caption, r, parent) {   if ( (!document.getElementById&&!document.all) || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")>-1) return;   document.write('<div id="divDot' + menuCount + '" class="dotempty" style="top: ' + y + '; left: ' + x + '"></div>');   document.write('<div id="divCap' + menuCount + '" class="caption" style="top: 0; left: 0">' + caption + '</div>');

this.name = name;   this.parent = parent   this.ref = "divDot" + menuCount;   this.caption = "divCap" + menuCount   if(r) this.radius = r;   else this.radius = 400;   this.subMenus = new Array();   this.state = 0;   this.moving = false;   if(this.parent) this.action = "null";   else this.action = "toggle";   if(this.parent) this.startAngle = parent.startAngle;   else this.startAngle = 0;

getObjectRef(this.ref).objRef = this.name;

this.show = function() { show(this.ref); }   this.hide = function() { hide(this.ref); }   this.moveMe = function(x,y) { if(this.parent) { x += this.parent.x(); y += this.parent.y(); } moveMe(this.ref,x,y); }   this.moveBy = function(x,y) { moveBy(this.ref,x,y); }   this.x = function() { return parseInt(getObjectRef(this.ref).style.left); }   this.y = function() { return parseInt(getObjectRef(this.ref).style.top); }   this.w = function() { return getWidth(this.ref); }   this.h = function() { return getHeight(this.ref); }

this.showCaption = function() {     moveMe(this.caption, this.x() - (getWidth(this.caption)/2) + (this.w()/2), (this.y() + this.h()));     show(this.caption);   }   this.hideCaption = function() {     hide(this.caption);   }   this.setCaption = function(c) { getObjectRef(this.caption).innerHTML = c;}

this.addItem = function(c,action,r) {     getObjectRef(this.ref).className = "dot";     if(!r) r = this.radius/2;     var sub = new menuObject(this.name + ".subMenus[" + this.subMenus.length + "]",0,0,c,r,this);     sub.parent = this;     sub.action = action;     sub.moveMe(0,0);     this.subMenus[this.subMenus.length] = sub;     return sub;   }

this.expand = function() {     if(this.subMenus.length > 0) {       var p = true;       if(this.parent) {         p = !this.parent.moving;         for(var i=0; i<this.parent.subMenus.length;i++)           p = p && ((this.parent.subMenus[i].state==0) || (this.parent.subMenus[i].state==this.parent.subMenus[i].subMenus.length)) && (this.parent.subMenus[i].moving==false);       } else var o = false;

if((!this.parent || this.parent.state == this.parent.subMenus.length) && p) {         if(this.parent) this.collapseAll(this.name);

var diff = 360 / this.subMenus.length;         for(var i=0;i<this.subMenus.length;i++){           this.subMenus[i].moveMe(0,0);           this.subMenus[i].show();           this.moving = true;           this.subMenus[i].slide(this.subMenus[i].radius * cos(degToRad((diffi)+this.startAngle)), this.subMenus[i].radius * sin(degToRad((diffi)+this.startAngle)), this.name + ".subMenus[" + i + "].showCaption();" + this.name + ".moving=false;" + this.name + ".state+=1;");         }         if(this.parent){           getObjectRef(this.parent.ref).style.filter = "alpha (opacity=33)";           getObjectRef(this.parent.ref).style.MozOpacity = "33%";

getObjectRef(this.parent.ref).className = "dotoff";           getObjectRef(this.parent.caption).style.filter = "alpha (opacity=33)";           getObjectRef(this.parent.caption).style.MozOpacity = "33%";           for(i=0;i<this.parent.subMenus.length;i++) {               getObjectRef(this.parent.subMenus[i].ref).style.filter = "alpha (opacity=66)";               getObjectRef(this.parent.subMenus[i].ref).style.MozOpacity = "66%";               getObjectRef(this.parent.subMenus[i].caption).style.filter = "alpha (opacity=66)";               getObjectRef(this.parent.subMenus[i].caption).style.MozOpacity = "66%";           }           if(this.parent.parent) {             for(i=0;i<this.parent.parent.subMenus.length;i++) {               getObjectRef(this.parent.parent.subMenus[i].ref).style.filter = "alpha (opacity=33)";               getObjectRef(this.parent.parent.subMenus[i].ref).style.MozOpacity = "33%";               getObjectRef(this.parent.parent.subMenus[i].ref).className = "dotoff";               getObjectRef(this.parent.parent.subMenus[i].caption).style.filter = "alpha (opacity=33)";               getObjectRef(this.parent.parent.subMenus[i].caption).style.MozOpacity = "33%";             }             getObjectRef(this.parent.parent.ref).style.MozOpacity = "33%";             getObjectRef(this.parent.parent.ref).style.MozOpacity = "33%";             getObjectRef(this.parent.parent.ref).className = "dotoff";           }         }         getObjectRef(this.ref).style.filter = "alpha (opacity=66)";         getObjectRef(this.caption).style.filter = "alpha (opacity=66)";         getObjectRef(this.ref).style.MozOpacity = "66%";         getObjectRef(this.caption).style.MozOpacity = "66%";       }     }   }

this.collapse = function() {     var p = true;     p = !this.moving;     for(var i=0; i<this.subMenus.length;i++)       p = p && (this.subMenus[i].state==0)  && (this.subMenus[i].moving==false);

if(p && this.subMenus.length > 0) {       for(var i=0;i<this.subMenus.length;i++){         this.subMenus[i].hideCaption();         this.moving = true;         this.subMenus[i].slide(0, 0, this.name + ".subMenus[" + i + "].hide();" + this.name + ".moving=false;" + this.name + ".state-=1;");       }       if(this.parent){         getObjectRef(this.parent.ref).style.filter = "alpha (opacity=66)";         getObjectRef(this.parent.ref).style.MozOpacity = "66%";         if(this.parent.subMenus.length != 0)           getObjectRef(this.parent.ref).className = "dot";         else           getObjectRef(this.parent.ref).className = "dotempty";         getObjectRef(this.parent.caption).style.filter = "alpha (opacity=66)";         getObjectRef(this.parent.caption).style.MozOpacity = "66%";         for(i=0;i<this.parent.subMenus.length;i++) {           getObjectRef(this.parent.subMenus[i].ref).style.filter = "alpha (opacity=100)";           getObjectRef(this.parent.subMenus[i].ref).style.MozOpacity = "100%";           if(this.parent.subMenus[i].subMenus.length != 0)             getObjectRef(this.parent.subMenus[i].ref).className = "dot";           else             getObjectRef(this.parent.subMenus[i].ref).className = "dotempty";           getObjectRef(this.parent.subMenus[i].caption).style.filter = "alpha (opacity=100)";           getObjectRef(this.parent.subMenus[i].caption).style.MozOpacity = "100%";         }         if(this.parent.parent) {           for(i=0;i<this.parent.parent.subMenus.length;i++) {             getObjectRef(this.parent.parent.subMenus[i].ref).style.filter = "alpha (opacity=66)";             getObjectRef(this.parent.parent.subMenus[i].ref).style.MozOpacity = "66%";             if(this.parent.parent.subMenus[i].subMenus.length != 0)               getObjectRef(this.parent.parent.subMenus[i].ref).className = "dot";             else               getObjectRef(this.parent.parent.subMenus[i].ref).className = "dotempty";             getObjectRef(this.parent.parent.subMenus[i].caption).style.filter = "alpha (opacity=66)";             getObjectRef(this.parent.parent.subMenus[i].caption).style.MozOpacity = "66%";           }         }       }       getObjectRef(this.ref).style.filter = "alpha (opacity=100)";       getObjectRef(this.caption).style.filter = "alpha (opacity=100)";       getObjectRef(this.ref).style.MozOpacity = "100%";       getObjectRef(this.caption).style.MozOpacity = "100%";     }   }

this.collapseAll = function(except) {     for(var i=0;i<this.parent.subMenus.length;i++) {       if(this.parent.subMenus[i].name!=except && this.parent.subMenus[i].state==this.parent.subMenus[i].subMenus.length) {         this.parent.subMenus[i].collapse();       }     }   }

this.toggle = function(e) {     if(document.all) id = window.event.srcElement;     else id = e.target;     var dot = eval(id.objRef);

if(dot.state==0 && !dot.moving) dot.expand();     else if(dot.state==dot.subMenus.length && !dot.moving) dot.collapse()   }

this.doAction = function(e) {     if(document.all) id = window.event.srcElement;     else id = e.target;     var dot = eval(id.objRef);

if(dot.action == "toggle") dot.toggle(e);     else eval(dot.action);   }

//change these if you want to change the events that trigger the actions   //========================================================================   //getObjectRef(this.ref).onmousemove = this.toggle;   getObjectRef(this.ref).onmouseup = this.doAction;

this.slide = function(xx,yy,func) {     if(!func) func = "";     var px = this.parent.x();     var py = this.parent.y();

var x = xx - this.x() + px;     var y = yy - this.y() + py;

var d = sqrt(square(xx-this.x() + px) + square(yy-this.y() + py));

var v = d/8;     if(v<1) v = 1;

if( (Math.abs(x) < v) && (Math.abs(y) < v) ) {       moveMe(this.ref,xx + px,yy + py);       if(func != "") eval(func);     } else {       var a = round(atan(x,y));       dx = round(v * cos(degToRad(a)));       dy = round(v * sin(degToRad(a)));

this.moveBy(dx,dy);       setTimeout(this.name + ".slide(" + xx + "," + yy + ", '" + func + "');",10);     }   }   // Preoading the windows filters.   if (menuCount==0 && document.all) document.all[this.ref].style.filter = "alpha (opacity=100)";   menuCount++;   return this; } // Math functions //================ var pi = Math.PI; function square(x) { return (xx); } function sqrt(x) { return Math.sqrt(x); } function round(x) { return Math.round(x); } function rand(x,y) { return (round(Math.random()(y-x)) + x); }

function cos(x) { return Math.cos(x) } function sin(x) { return Math.sin(x) }

function degToRad(x) { return ( x/(360/(2pi)) ); } function radToDeg(x) { return ( x(360/(2*pi)) ); }

function atan(s,t) {   if( s == 0.0 && t > 0.0)     angle = 90.0;   else if(s == 0.0 && t < 0.0)     angle = 270.0;   else if (s < 0.0 )     angle = 180.0 + radToDeg(Math.atan(t/s));   else if (s > 0.0 && t < 0.0)     angle = 360.0 + radToDeg(Math.atan(t/s));   else {     if(s==0.0) s=0.00001;     angle = radToDeg(Math.atan(t/s));   }   if(angle < 0.0) angle += 360.0;   return angle; }

//==================================================================================== // make the menus and provide information on usage //==================================================================================== // // In order to customise your menus all you need to do is: //   - edit the styles .dot, .dotoff and .caption //   - add the main menu using the following code //         var [menu_name] = new menuObject("[menu_name]", [x position], [y position], [caption], [spacing between sub menus]); //   - add the subemus using: //         var [sub_menu] = [menu_name].addItem([caption],[action],[spacing]); //       OR //         var [sub-sub_menu] = [sub_menu].addItem([caption],[action],[spacing]); //       OR //         [menu_name].subMenus[x].addItem([caption],[action],[spacing]); // //       - where action is string that get's evaluated when the dot is clicked // //       (NOTE the spacing is optional and if left blank gets inherited //             and is equal to the  (parent's value)/2 - the default for //             the main menu item uis 400) // //   - the following allow extra manipulation of the menus: //          + menuItem.show()              - show's the menu's dot //          + menuItem.showCaption()       - show's the menu's caption //          + menuItem.hide() //          + menuItem.hideCaption() //          + menuItem.startAngle = x      - default is 0-degrees which means the first submenu appears //                                           directly to the right, the following items are traced in a //                                           clockwise direction //          + menuItem.setCaption("text")  - allows you to change a menus caption //          + menuItem.expand()            - opens a menus submenus (if they exist) //          + menuItem.collapse()          - closes a menu's subItems (unless one of them is open) // //          + menuItem.moveMe(x,y)         - moves a menu to coordinates (x,y) //          + menuItem.moveBy(x,y)         - moves a menu by (x,y)-pixels //          + menuItem.x() & menuItem.y()  - retrieve a menus coordinates // //====================================================================================

//get dimentions of the page if(document.all) pageWidth = document.body.offsetWidth-20; else pageWidth = innerWidth; if(document.all) pageHeight = document.body.offsetHeight-4; else pageHeight = innerHeight;

//Create main menu var menu = new menuObject("menu",pageWidth/2,pageHeight/2,"Menü",pageHeight/2); menu.startAngle = -90;

//show menu and caption menu.show(); menu.showCaption(); //Add submenus menu.addItem("about","toggle"); menu.addItem("scripts","toggle"); menu.addItem("tutorials","toggle"); menu.addItem("forums","toggle"); menu.addItem("resources","toggle");

menu.subMenus[1].addItem("FoldOutMenu","window.open('/script/script22.asp')"); menu.subMenus[1].addItem("Loading Bar","window.open('/script/script17.asp')"); menu.subMenus[1].addItem("Window Script","window.open('/script/script16.asp')"); menu.subMenus[1].addItem("PageSlideFade","window.open('/script/script15.asp')"); menu.subMenus[1].addItem("Circle Menu","window.open('/script/script14.asp')"); menu.subMenus[1].addItem("Annimation Intro","window.open('/script/script9.asp')"); menu.subMenus[1].addItem("NewsSlideFade","window.open('/script/script10.asp')"); menu.subMenus[1].addItem("Other Scripts","window.open('/script/')");

menu.subMenus[2].addItem("Scripting for vs5 browsers","window.open('/tutorials/tutorial5.asp')"); menu.subMenus[2].addItem("Makeing a Dhtml Script","window.open('/tutorials/tutorial6.asp')"); menu.subMenus[2].addItem("Filters & Transitions","window.open('/tutorials/tutorial4.asp')"); menu.subMenus[2].addItem("Dhtml Library","window.open('/tutorials/tutorial3.asp')"); menu.subMenus[2].addItem("Document Size","window.open('/tutorials/tutorial2.asp')"); menu.subMenus[2].addItem("Dhtml Intro","window.open('/tutorials/tutorial1.asp')");

menu.subMenus[3].addItem("Forum listings","window.open('/forums')"); menu.subMenus[3].addItem("Cool Sites","window.open('/forums/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=1&CAT_ID=1&Forum_Title=Cool+sites')"); menu.subMenus[3].addItem("CoolMenus","window.open('/forums/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=2&CAT_ID=1&Forum_Title=CoolMenus')"); menu.subMenus[3].addItem("Cross Browser","window.open('/forums/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=3&CAT_ID=1&Forum_Title=Crossbrowser+DHTML')"); menu.subMenus[3].addItem("Scripts","window.open('/forums/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=4&CAT_ID=1&Forum_Title=DHTML+Scripts')"); menu.subMenus[3].addItem("General","window.open('/forums/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=6&CAT_ID=1&Forum_Title=General+DHTML+issues')"); menu.subMenus[3].addItem("Off-Topic","window.open('/forums/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=9&CAT_ID=1&Forum_Title=Off%2Dtopic')");

c = menu.subMenus[4].addItem("Cool Sites","toggle"); c.startAngle = 15; menu.subMenus[4].addItem("Portals","window.open('/resources/default.asp?catid=7&cattitle=Portals')"); menu.subMenus[4].addItem("Script Sites","window.open('/resources/default.asp?catid=1&cattitle=Script+sites')"); menu.subMenus[4].addItem("Tutorials &<br>References","toggle");

menu.subMenus[4].subMenus[0].addItem("Comercial Sites","window.open('/resources/default.asp?catid=5&cattitle=Commercial+sites')"); menu.subMenus[4].subMenus[0].addItem("Personal Sites","window.open('/resources/default.asp?catid=6&cattitle=Personal+sites')"); menu.subMenus[4].subMenus[0].addItem("Experimental Projects","window.open('/resources/default.asp?catid=4&cattitle=Experimental+projects')");

menu.subMenus[4].subMenus[3].addItem("References","window.open('/resources/default.asp?catid=8&cattitle=References')"); menu.subMenus[4].subMenus[3].addItem("Tutorials & Articles","window.open('/resources/default.asp?catid=9&cattitle=Tutorials+and+Articles')");


Wäre super dankbar wenn mir da jemand helfen könnte! ^^

MfG Michi

  1. Michi84,


    Bei meiner "Menüleiste" verändern sich die besuchten links, was ich eigentlich verhindern möchte!

    Ist aber für den User schon hilfreich zu sehen, wo er schon gewesen ist. Willst du ihm das rauben?

    Kann mir jemand helfen habe keine Ahnung wo ich da was ändern muss!



    “I got my finger on the trigger / But I don’t know who to trust” (Bruce Springsteen, Devils and Dust)
    1. http://de.selfhtml.org/css/eigenschaften/pseudoformate.htm#link_visited_hover_active_focus

      Aber macht ja nichts, du warst ja sowieso erst mit dem Lesen von </faq/#Q-07b> beschäftigt.


      “I got my finger on the trigger / But I don’t know who to trust” (Bruce Springsteen, Devils and Dust)
      1. Hi,

        hm okay... aber ich habs versucht einzufügen es ändert sich nur nichts! Wo muss ich das denn hin schreiben?

        Verwirrte Grüße

        1. Hallo Michi84.

          hm okay... aber ich habs versucht einzufügen es ändert sich nur nichts! Wo muss ich das denn hin schreiben?

          Genügt dir das Beispiel auf der Seite, die Gunnar verlinkt hat zum Verständis nicht?

          Gruß, Ashura

          Selfcode: sh:( fo:) ch:? rl:( br:^ n4:& ie:{ mo:) va:) de:> zu:) fl:( ss:| ls:[ js:|
          Try it: Become an Opera Lover in 30 days
          Meine Browser: Opera 8.0 | Firefox 1.0.3 | Lynx 2.8.3 | Netscape 4.7 | IE 6.0
          1. Genügt dir das Beispiel auf der Seite, die Gunnar verlinkt hat zum Verständis nicht?

            Ansonsten müsste ich nicht fragen! ;-)

            1. Hallo Michi84.

              Ansonsten müsste ich nicht fragen! ;-)

              Du hast die zwei Möglichkeiten, die Definition für besuchte Links (a:visited) in den Kopf (<head>) oder in eine externe Datei einzubinden.

              Wie gesagt: Studiere das Beispiel und du dürftest es verstehen.

              Gruß, Ashura

              Selfcode: sh:( fo:) ch:? rl:( br:^ n4:& ie:{ mo:) va:) de:> zu:) fl:( ss:| ls:[ js:|
              Try it: Become an Opera Lover in 30 days
              Meine Browser: Opera 8.0 | Firefox 1.0.3 | Lynx 2.8.3 | Netscape 4.7 | IE 6.0
  2. Hallo Michi, geboren 1984,

    Bei meiner "Menüleiste" verändern sich die besuchten links, was ich eigentlich verhindern möchte!

    Siehe SELFHTML, Pseudoklassen für Verweise.

    Sinnvoll ist das allerdings nicht, da die Kenntlichmachung bereits besuchter Seiten eine wertvolle Navigationshilfe ist – besonders bei umfangreichen Menüs, deren Inhalt sich kein Mensch merken kann.


    P.S.: Bitte verlinke das nächste Mal die Seite, der gesamte gepostete Quelltext war irrelevant. Danke.

    1. Orlando,
      Hehe, Abschreiben gildet nicht. ;-)

      “I got my finger on the trigger / But I don’t know who to trust” (Bruce Springsteen, Devils and Dust)
      1. Hallo Gunnar,

        Hehe, Abschreiben gildet nicht. ;-)

        Einer muss schließlich deine Verweise korrigieren. ;-)


        1. Einer muss schließlich deine Verweise korrigieren. ;-)


          “I got my finger on the trigger / But I don’t know who to trust” (Bruce Springsteen, Devils and Dust)