Zweite Frage: glaubt ihr es wäre besser mit 1.5 fachen Zeilenabstand zu lesen?
Nein, 0.25-fach ist schon okay.
Das könnte beim Lesen arge Probleme bereiten. Wenn natürlich benachbarte Zeilen unterschiedlich gefärbt sind, wird es leichter. ;-)
Zeilenabstand geht von Grundlinie zu Grundlinie.
I never intended HTML source code (the stuff with the angle brackets) to be seen by users. […] To my surprise, people quickly became familiar with the tags and started writing their own HTML documents directly. (Tim Berners-Lee in Weaving the Web)
I never intended HTML source code (the stuff with the angle brackets) to be seen by users. […] To my surprise, people quickly became familiar with the tags and started writing their own HTML documents directly. (Tim Berners-Lee in Weaving the Web)