mafoe: style.css und die schriftgröße...

huhu, wenn ich den code lade macht er nicht das was ich will. (Also die Funktionen gehen)
Aber er übernimmt das s.css nicht komplett. Die Schriftgröße (11 punkte, wie auf größer angezeigt. Es ist im gleichen Ordner. Auch die <style> blabla<style> machen nicht das was ich will.

was nu?


danke für fachkundige hilfe

  1. <?php

    // Settings:

    // Name of the guestbook:
    $title = "Gästebuch";

    // Administration password:
    $password = "wwb12345";

    // File in which the entries will be saved (requires CHMOD 666):
    $gbdata = "guestbook.dat";

    // How many entries per page?
    $entries_per_page = 10;

    // Admin E-mail for notifications (optional):
    $adminemail = "";

    // BB-Codes on?
    $bbcode = true;

    // Make links clickable:
    $autolink = true;

    // If you want to use smilies specify the smiley folder e.g. "img/" (where these images are: smile.gif, wink.gif, biggrin.gif, tongue.gif, neutral.gif, frown.gif):
    $smiley_folder = "forum/img/";

    // Time format:
    $time_format = "%d. %B. %Y, %H:%M";

    // Length limitations:
    $name_maxlength = 40;
    $name_word_maxlength = 30;
    $email_maxlength = 40;
    $hp_maxlength = 40;
    $place_maxlength = 40;
    $place_word_maxlength = 25;
    $text_maxlength = 3000;
    $text_minlength = 5;
    $text_word_maxlength = 50;

    // Paths to images for Homepage and E-Mail links (optional):
    $homepage_icon = "";
    $email_icon = "";

    // Language settings:
    $new_entry =                 "Neuer Eintrag";
    $back =                      "Zurück";
    $preview_marking =           "Vorschau";
    $error_marking =             "Fehler:";
    $optional_marking =          "*";
    $name_marking =              "Name:";
    $email_marking =             "E-Mail:";
    $hp_marking =                "Internetseite:";
    $place_marking =             "Ort:";
    $comment_marking =           "Kommentrar:";
    $password_marking =          "Passwort:";
    $password_wrong_marking =    "Passwort falsch!";
    $submit_button =             "Senden";
    $preview_button =            "Vorschau";
    $bbcode_exp =                "* optional <br> Der Text kann folgendermaßen formatiert werden: [b]Text[/b] für <b>fett</b>, [i]Text[/i] für <i>kursiv</i>.<br />Um Links einzufügen: [link][/link].";
    $error_no_name =             "Kein Name eingetragen!";
    $error_no_text =             "Keine Nachricht eingetragen!";
    $error_email_wrong =         "E-Mailaddresse scheint falsch!";
    $error_text_too_long =       "Ihre Nachricht ist mit ([characters] characters) Anschlägen zu lang, Bitte kürzen sie Ihren Text auf [max_characters] Zeichen.";
    $error_text_too_short =      "Ihre Nachricht ist zu kurz.";
    $error_word_too_long =       "Das "[word]" ist zu lang!";
    $error_already_made_entry =  "Sie haben binnen den letzeten 5 Minuen schon einen Eintrag verfasst. Bitte versuchen sie es später noch einmal oder benutzen sie unser Forum!";
    $delete_entry_marking =      "Eintrag löschen:";
    $delete_entry_conf_marking = "Sind sie sicher, dass sie den Eintrag <b>[name]</b> löschen möchten?";
    $no_authorisation_marking =  "Nicht angemledet. Bitte loggen sie sich ein.";
    $log_in_marking =            "Einloggen";
    $edit_button =               "Bearbeiten";
    $delete_button =             "Löschen";
    $delete_conf_button =        "Löchen";
    $previous_page =             "<";
    $next_page =                 ">";
    $still_no_entries_marking =  "Bis jetzt keine Einträge";
    $mail_subject =              "Neuer Eintrag in unser Gästebuch";
    $hp_link_marking =           "Internetseite";
    $email_link_marking =        "E-mail";
    //$months_translated =         array("Januar","Februar","M&auml;rz","April","Mai","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember");

    // End of settings



    function bbcode($string)
      $string = preg_replace("#[b](.+?)[/b]#is", "<b>\1</b>", $string);
      $string = preg_replace("#[i](.+?)[/i]#is", "<i>\1</i>", $string);
      $string = preg_replace("#[u](.+?)[/u]#is", "<u>\1</u>", $string);
      $string = preg_replace("#[link]www.(.+?)[/link]#is", "<a href="http://www.\1">www.\1</a>", $string);
      $string = preg_replace("#[link](.+?)[/link]#is", "<a href="\1">\1</a>", $string);
      $string = preg_replace("#[link=(.+?)](.+?)[/link]#is", "<a href="\1">\2</a>", $string);
      $string = preg_replace("#[url]www.(.+?)[/url]#is", "<a href="http://www.\1">www.\1</a>", $string);
      $string = preg_replace("#[url](.+?)[/url]#is", "<a href="\1">\1</a>", $string);
      $string = preg_replace("#[url=(.+?)](.+?)[/url]#is", "<a href="\1">\2</a>", $string);
      return $string;

    function smilies($string)
      global $smiley_folder;
      $string = str_replace(":-)", "<img src="".$smiley_folder."smile.gif" alt=":-)" width="15" height="15" />", $string);
      $string = str_replace("(-:", "<img src="".$smiley_folder."smile.gif" alt=":-)" width="15" height="15" />", $string);
      $string = str_replace(":)", "<img src="".$smiley_folder."smile.gif" alt=":)" width="15" height="15" />", $string);
      $string = str_replace("(:", "<img src="".$smiley_folder."smile.gif" alt=":)" width="15" height="15" />", $string);
      $string = str_replace(";-)", "<img src="".$smiley_folder."wink.gif" alt=";-)" width="15" height="15" />", $string);
      $string = str_replace(":-D", "<img src="".$smiley_folder."biggrin.gif" alt=":-D" width="15" height="15" />", $string);
      $string = str_replace(":D", "<img src="".$smiley_folder."biggrin.gif" alt=":D" width="15" height="15" />", $string);
      $string = str_replace(":-P", "<img src="".$smiley_folder."tongue.gif" alt=":-P" width="15" height="15" />", $string);
      $string = str_replace(":-p", "<img src="".$smiley_folder."tongue.gif" alt=":-p" width="15" height="15" />", $string);
      $string = str_replace(":-|", "<img src="".$smiley_folder."neutral.gif" alt=":-|" width="15" height="15" />", $string);
      $string = str_replace(":|", "<img src="".$smiley_folder."neutral.gif" alt=":|" width="15" height="15" />", $string);
      $string = str_replace(":-(", "<img src="".$smiley_folder."frown.gif" alt=":-(" width="15" height="15" />", $string);
      $string = str_replace(":(", "<img src="".$smiley_folder."frown.gif" alt=":(" width="15" height="15" />", $string);
      $string = str_replace(")-:", "<img src="".$smiley_folder."frown.gif" alt=":-(" width="15" height="15" />", $string);
      return $string;

    1. function make_link($string)  {   $string = ' ' . $string;   $string = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])([\w]+?://.?[^ "\n\r\t<])#is", "\1<a href="\2">\2</a>", $string);   $string = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])((www|ftp).[\w-]+.[\w-.~]+(?:/[^ "\t\n\r<])?)#is", "\1<a href="http://\2">\2</a>", $string);   $string = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])([a-z0-9&-_.]+?)@([\w-]+.([\w-.]+.)[\w]+)#i", "\1<a href="mailto:\2@\3">\2@\3</a>", $string);   $string = substr($string, 1);   return $string;  }

      function browse()  {   global $p, $entries_per_page, $entry_count, $previous_page, $next_page;

      if ($entry_count > $entries_per_page)   {    $new_index_before = $p - 1;    $new_index_after = $p + 1;    $site_count = ceil($entry_count / $entries_per_page);    ?><p class="gb-browse"><?php    if ($new_index_before >= 0) { ?><a href="<?php echo basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); ?>?p=<?php echo $new_index_before; ?>" title="<?php echo $previous_page; ?>">&laquo;</a>&nbsp;<?php }    if ($new_index_before >= 0 && $new_index_before < $site_count) echo "";    if ($p==0) { ?><span class="caution">1</span>&nbsp;<?php } else { ?><a href="<?php echo basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); ?>?p=0">1</a>&nbsp;<?php }    for($x=$p-3; $x<$p+4; $x++)     {      if ($x > 0 && $x < $site_count) { if ($x==$p) { ?><span class="caution"><?php echo $x+1; ?></span>&nbsp;<?php } else { ?><a href="<?php echo basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); ?>?p=<?php echo $x; ?>"><?php echo $x+1; ?></a>&nbsp;<?php } }     }    if ($new_index_after < $site_count) { ?><a href="<?php echo basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); ?>?p=<?php echo $new_index_after; ?>" title="<?php echo $next_page; ?>">&raquo;</a><?php }    ?></p><?php   }  }

      function parse_time($time_dump) {  global $months_translated;  if (isset($months_translated))   {    $months = array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");    $time_dump = str_replace($months,$months_translated,$time_dump);   }  if (substr($time_dump,0,1)=="0") $time_dump = substr($time_dump, 1);  return $time_dump; }

      if (isset($_POST['action'])) $action = $_POST['action']; if (isset($_GET['action'])) $action = $_GET['action'];

      if (isset($_POST['login_password']))  {   if ($_POST['login_password'] == $password)    {     $_SESSION['admin'] = true;     header("location: ".basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]));     die("<a href="".basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])."">further...</a>");    }   else { $action="none"; $show="login failed"; }  }

      if (isset($_POST['edit']))  {   if (isset($_SESSION['admin']))    {     $data = file($gbdata);     $row_count = count($data);     for ($row = 0; $row < $row_count; $row++)      {       $parts = explode("|", $data[$row]);       if ($parts[0] == $_POST['entry_uniqid'])        {         $entry_uniqid = $parts[0];         $time = $parts[1];         $ip = $parts[2];         $name = urldecode($parts[3]);         $email = base64_decode(urldecode($parts[4]));         $hp = urldecode($parts[5]);         $place = urldecode($parts[6]);         $text = urldecode($parts[7]);         $comment = urldecode($parts[8]);         break;        }      }     $action="edit";     $show="form";    }   else { $action = "none"; $show = "no authorization"; }  }

      // wenn Eintrag gel&ouml;scht werden soll, fragen, ob sicher: if (isset($_POST['delete']))  {   $action="none";   $show="delete ask if sure";


      // wenn L&ouml;schen best&auml;tigt wurde, Eintrag l&ouml;schen: if (isset($_POST['entry_uniqid_del_ok']))  {   if (isset($_SESSION['admin']))    {     $data = file($gbdata);     $row_count = count($data);     $fp = fopen($gbdata, 'w+');     flock($fp, 2);     for ($row = 0; $row < $row_count; $row++)      {       $parts = explode("|", $data[$row]);       if ($parts[0] != $_POST['entry_uniqid_del_ok']) { fwrite($fp, trim($data[$row])."\n"); }      }     flock($fp, 3);     fclose($fp);

      header("location: ".basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]));     die("<a href="".basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])."">further...</a>");    }   else { $action = "none"; $show = "no authorization"; }  }

      // wenn Formular abgeschickt wurde: if (isset($_POST['form_submited'])) {  // &uuml;bergebene Variablen ermitteln:  if (isset($_POST['time'])) $time = $_POST['time'];  if (isset($_POST['entry_uniqid'])) $entry_uniqid = $_POST['entry_uniqid'];  $name = $_POST['name'];  $text = $_POST['text'];  $place = $_POST['place'];  $email = $_POST['email'];  $hp = $_POST['hp'];  if (isset($_POST['comment'])) $comment = $_POST['comment']; else $comment="xxx";  // unn&ouml;tige Leerzeichen abschneiden:  $name = trim($name);  $email = trim($email);  $hp = trim($hp);  $place = trim($place);  $text = trim($text);  $comment = trim($comment);  if ($comment=="") $comment="xxx";  // "http://" von Homepage abschneiden:  if (substr($hp,0,7) == "http://") { $hp = substr($hp,7); }  // &Uuml;berpr&uuml;fungen der Daten:  unset($errors);

      // Ckeck if IP already posted in the last 5 minutes:  $data = file($gbdata);  foreach($data as $line)   {    if (trim($line)!="")    {    $parts = explode("|", $line);    $saved_time = (int)$parts[1];    if (time() < $saved_time+300 && $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] == $parts[2] && !isset($_SESSION['admin']))     {      $errors[] = $error_already_made_entry; break;     }    }   }

      if ($name == "") $errors[] = $error_no_name;  if ($text == "") $errors[] = $error_no_text;  if(isset($email) && $email != "" and !preg_match("/[1]+@.+.\D{2,5}$/", $email)) $errors[] = $error_email_wrong;  if (strlen($text) > $text_maxlength) { $error_text_too_long = str_replace("[characters]", strlen($text), $error_text_too_long); $error_text_too_long = str_replace("[max_characters]", $text_maxlength, $error_text_too_long); $errors[] = $error_text_too_long; }  if ($text != "" && strlen($text) < $text_minlength) $errors[] = $error_text_too_short;  // Schauen, ob zu lange W&ouml;rter vorhanden sind:  $text_arr = explode(" ",$name); for ($i=0;$i<count($text_arr);$i++) { trim($text_arr[$i]); $laenge = strlen($text_arr[$i]); if ($laenge > $name_word_maxlength) {  $error_word_too_long_x = str_replace("[word]", htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(substr($text_arr[$i],0,$name_word_maxlength)))."...", $error_word_too_long); $errors[] = $error_word_too_long_x; } }  $text_arr = explode(" ",$place); for ($i=0;$i<count($text_arr);$i++) { trim($text_arr[$i]); $laenge = strlen($text_arr[$i]); if ($laenge > $place_word_maxlength) {  $error_word_too_long_x = str_replace("[word]", htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(substr($text_arr[$i],0,$place_word_maxlength)))."...", $error_word_too_long); $errors[] = $error_word_too_long_x; } }  $text_arr = str_replace("\n", " ", $text);  if ($bbcode == true); { $text_arr = preg_replace("#[b](.+?)[/b]#is", "\1", $text_arr); $text_arr = preg_replace("#[i](.+?)[/i]#is", "\1", $text_arr); $text_arr = preg_replace("#[u](.+?)[/u]#is", "\1", $text_arr); $text_arr = preg_replace("#[link](.+?)[/link]#is", "\1", $text_arr); $text_arr = preg_replace("#[link=(.+?)](.+?)[/link]#is", "\2", $text_arr); }  $text_arr = explode(" ",$text_arr); for ($i=0;$i<count($text_arr);$i++) { trim($text_arr[$i]); $laenge = strlen($text_arr[$i]); if ($laenge > $text_word_maxlength) {  $error_word_too_long_x = str_replace("[word]", htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(substr($text_arr[$i],0,$text_word_maxlength)))."...", $error_word_too_long);$errors[] = $error_word_too_long_x; } }

      // save entry when no errors:  if (empty($errors) && isset($_POST['entry']) && $action=="entry")   {    $time = time();    $text = urlencode($text);    $name = urlencode($name);    $email = urlencode(base64_encode($email));    $hp = urlencode($hp);    $place = urlencode($place);    $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];    $comment = urlencode($comment);    $entry = uniqid("")."|".$time."|".$ip."|".$name."|".$email."|".$hp."|".$place."|".$text."|".$comment."\n";    $data = file($gbdata);    $c = count($data);    $fp = fopen($gbdata, 'w+');    flock($fp, 2);    fwrite($fp, $entry);    for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) { fwrite($fp, trim($data[$i])."\n"); }    flock($fp, 3);    fclose($fp);

      // e-mail notification:    if (isset($adminemail) && $adminemail != "")    {     $emailbody = urldecode($text);     $absender = urldecode($name);     if ($email != "") $absender_email = base64_decode(urldecode($email)); else $absender_email = "";     $header= "From: ".$absender."<".$absender_email.">\n";    $header .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(). "\n";     $header .= "X-Sender-IP: $ip\n";     $header .= "Content-Type: text/plain";     @mail($adminemail, $mail_subject, $emailbody, $header);    }

      header("location: ".basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]));    die("<a href="".basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])."">further...</a>");   }

      elseif (empty($errors) && isset($_POST['entry']) && $action=="edit")   {    if (isset($_SESSION['admin']))     {      $entry_uniqid = $_POST['entry_uniqid'];      $name = urlencode($name);      $email = urlencode(base64_encode($email));      $hp = urlencode($hp);      $place = urlencode($place);      $text = urlencode($text);      $comment = urlencode($comment);      $data = file($gbdata);      $row_count = count($data);      $fp = fopen($gbdata, "w+");      flock($fp, 2);      for ($row = 0; $row < $row_count; $row++)       {        $parts = explode("|", $data[$row]);        if ($parts[0] == $entry_uniqid) { fwrite($fp, $parts[0]."|".$parts[1]."|".$parts[2]."|".$name."|".$email."|".$hp."|".$place."|".$text."|".$comment."\n"); }        else { fwrite($fp, trim($data[$row])."\n"); }       }      flock($fp, 3);      fclose($fp);      header("location: ".basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]));      die("<a href="".basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])."">further...</a>");     }    else $show="no authorization";   }  else $show="form"; }

      1. ^@ ↩︎

      1. if (empty($action)) $action="main";

        switch ($action)
          case "main":
           if (isset($_GET['p'])) $p = $_GET['p'];
           $data = file($gbdata);
           $entry_count = count($data);
           if (empty($p)) $p = 0;
           $last = ($p+1) * $entries_per_page;
           if ($last > $entry_count) $last = $entry_count;
          case "entry":
          case "login":
           if (isset($_SESSION['admin'])) { session_destroy(); header("location: ".basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])); die("<a href="".basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])."">further...</a>"); }
           else $show="login form";

        // Begin HTML
        // Here you could include a header --> include("header.html");
        ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">

        <title>Wallwitzburg Dessau e.V. - Verein f&uuml;r den Wiederaufbau der Wallwitzburg - G&auml;stebuch</title>
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
        <LINK href="s.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet><style>
        BODY, Table, TD {
                FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
                font-size: 11;
                color: #000000;


        A:link {
                COLOR: #333333;
                text-decoration: none;
        A:hover {
                COLOR: #cccccc;
                text-decoration: none;
        A:active {
                COLOR: #333333;
                text-decoration: none;
        A:visited {
                COLOR: #999999;
                text-decoration: none;

        <b><?php echo $title; ?></b>
        <p class="gb-browse">
        <?php if ($show=="main") { ?>[ <a href="<?php echo basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); ?>?action=entry"><?php echo $new_entry; ?></a> ]<?php }
        else { ?>[ <a href="<?php echo basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); ?>"><?php echo $back; ?></a> ]<?php } ?>
        switch ($show)
          case "main":
          if ($entry_count == 0) { echo "<i>".$still_no_entries_marking."</i>"; }
          for ($i = $p*$entries_per_page; $i < $last; $i++)
            if (trim($data[$i]) != "")
            $nr = $entry_count -$i;
            $parts = explode("|", $data[$i]);
            $name = urldecode($parts[3]);
            $email = base64_decode(urldecode($parts[4]));
            if ($email != "")
              $email_parts = explode("@", $email);
              $email_name = $email_parts[0];
              $email_domain_tld = $email_parts[1];
              $domain_parts = explode(".", $email_domain_tld);
              $email_domain = "";
              for ($x = 0; $x < count($domain_parts)-1; $x++)
                $email_domain .= $domain_parts[$x].".";
              $email_tld = $domain_parts[$x];
            $hp = urldecode($parts[5]);
            $place = urldecode($parts[6]);
            $text = urldecode($parts[7]);
            $comment = urldecode($parts[8]);
            $text = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($text));
            #$text = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($text));
            $text = nl2br($text);
            if ($autolink == true) $text = make_link($text);
            if ($bbcode == true) $text = bbcode($text);
            if (isset($smiley_folder) && $smiley_folder != "") $text = smilies($text);
            $comment = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($comment));
            $comment = nl2br($comment);
            if ($autolink == true) $comment = make_link($comment);
            if ($bbcode == true) $comment = bbcode($comment);
            if (isset($smiley_folder) && $smiley_folder != "") $comment = smilies($comment);
            <div class="gb">
            <div class="gb-author">
            <p class="gb-author-left">
            echo "<b>" . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($name)) . "</b>";
            if ($email != "" or $hp != "") { echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<span >"; }
            if ($hp != "") { if (isset($homepage_icon) && $homepage_icon != "") { ?><a href="http://<?php echo $hp; ?>"><img src="<?php echo $homepage_icon; ?>" alt="<?php echo $hp_link_marking; ?>" title="<?php echo $hp_link_marking; ?>" /></a><?php } else echo "[ <a href="http://" .$hp ."">".$hp_link_marking."</a> ]"; }
            if ($email != "" && $hp != "") { echo "&nbsp;"; }
            if ($email != "") { if (empty($email_icon) or $email_icon == "") echo "[ "; ?><script type="text/javascript">
            document.write('<a href="mailto:'); document.write('<?php echo $email_name; ?>'); document.write('@'); document.write('<?php echo $email_domain; ?>'); document.write('<?php echo $email_tld; ?>'); document.write('">');
            </script><?php if (isset($email_icon) && $email_icon != "") { ?><img src="<?php echo $email_icon; ?>" alt="<?php echo $email_link_marking; ?>" title="<?php echo $email_link_marking; ?>" /><?php } else echo $email_link_marking;
            ?><script type="text/javascript">
            if (empty($email_icon) or $email_icon == "") echo " ]"; }
            if ($email != "" or $hp != "") echo "</span>";
            <p class="gb-author-right">
            if ($place != "") { echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($place)) . ", "; }
            echo parse_time(strftime($time_format, $parts[1]));
            <div class="gb-entry"><?php echo $text; ?>
            <?php if (substr($comment,0,3)!="xxx") { ?><p class="comment"><?php echo $comment; ?></p><?php }
            if (isset($_SESSION['admin'])) { ?><form method="post" action="<?php echo basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); ?>"><p class="gb-admin-buttons"><input type="hidden" name="entry_uniqid" value="<?php echo $parts[0]; ?>" /><input type="hidden" name="delete_name" value="<?php echo $parts[3]; ?>" /><input type="submit" name="edit" value="<?php echo $edit_button; ?>" />&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="delete" value="<?php echo $delete_button; ?>" /></p></form><?php }

        case "form":
             ?><p class="caution"><?php echo $error_marking; ?></p><ul><?php foreach($errors as $f) { ?><li><?php echo $f; ?></li><?php } ?></ul><br /><?php
           elseif (empty($errors) && isset($_POST['preview']))
             $pr_text = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($text));
             $pr_text = nl2br($pr_text);
             if ($autolink == true) $pr_text = make_link($pr_text);
             if ($bbcode == true) $pr_text = bbcode($pr_text);
             if (isset($smiley_folder) && $smiley_folder != "") $pr_text = smilies($pr_text);
             $pr_comment = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($comment));
             $pr_comment = nl2br($pr_comment);
             if ($autolink == true) $pr_comment = make_link($pr_comment);
             if ($bbcode == true) $pr_comment = bbcode($pr_comment);
             if (isset($smiley_folder) && $smiley_folder != "") $pr_comment = smilies($pr_comment);
             <p class="caution"><?php echo $preview_marking; ?></p>
             <div class="gb">
             <div class="gb-author">
             <p class="gb-author-left">
             echo "<b>" . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($name)) . "</b>";
             if ($email != "" or $hp != "") { echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<span >"; }
             if ($hp != "") { if (isset($homepage_icon) && $homepage_icon != "") { ?><a href="http://<?php echo $hp; ?>"><img src="<?php echo $homepage_icon; ?>" alt="<?php echo $hp_link_marking; ?>" /></a><?php } else echo "[ <a href="http://" .$hp ."">".$hp_link_marking."</a> ]"; }
             if ($email != "" && $hp != "") { echo "&nbsp;"; }
             if ($email != "") { if (isset($email_icon) && $email_icon != "") { ?><a href="mailto:<?php echo $email; ?>"><img src="<?php echo $email_icon; ?>" alt="<?php echo $email_link_marking; ?>" /></a><?php } else echo "[ <a href="mailto:" .$email ."">".$email_link_marking."</a> ]"; }
             if ($email != "" or $hp != "") { echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>"; }
             <p class="gb-author-right">
             if ($place != "") { echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($place)) . ",&nbsp;"; }
             if ($action=="edit") { echo parse_time(strftime($time_format, $_POST['time'])); } else echo parse_time(strftime($time_format));
             <div class="gb-entry"><?php echo $pr_text; ?>
             <?php if (substr($pr_comment,0,3)!="xxx") { ?><p class="comment"><?php echo $pr_comment; ?></span></p><?php } ?>
             </div><br />

      2. ?><form method="post" action="<?php echo basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); ?>"><div>
           <input type="hidden" name="form_submited" value="true" />
           <input type="hidden" name="action" value="<?php echo $action; ?>" />
           <?php if ($action=="edit") { ?><input type="hidden" name="entry_uniqid" value="<?php echo $entry_uniqid; ?>" /><input type="hidden" name="time" value="<?php echo $time; ?>" /><?php } ?>
           <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
             <td><b><?php echo $name_marking; ?></b></td>
             <td><input type="text" name="name" value="<?php if (isset($name)) echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($name)); else echo ""; ?>" size="40" maxlength="<?php echo $name_maxlength; ?>" /></td>
             <td><b><?php echo $email_marking; ?></b></td>
             <td><input type="text" name="email" value="<?php if (isset($email)) echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($email)); else echo ""; ?>" size="40" maxlength="<?php echo $email_maxlength; ?>" />&nbsp;<span><?php echo $optional_marking; ?></span></td>
             <td><b><?php echo $hp_marking; ?></b></td>
             <td><input type="text" name="hp" value="<?php if (isset($hp)) echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($hp)); else echo ""; ?>" size="40" maxlength="<?php echo $hp_maxlength; ?>" />&nbsp;<span><?php echo $optional_marking; ?></span></td>
             <td><b><?php echo $place_marking; ?></b></td>
             <td><input type="text" name="place" value="<?php if (isset($place)) echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($place)); else echo ""; ?>" size="40" maxlength="<?php echo $place_maxlength; ?>" />&nbsp;<span><?php echo $optional_marking; ?></span></td>
             <td colspan="2"><br />
                  <textarea name="text" cols="70" rows="5"><?php if (isset($text)) echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($text)); else echo ""; ?></textarea></td>
            <?php if ($action=="edit") {
             <td colspan="2"><b><?php echo $comment_marking; ?></b><br />
                  <textarea name="comment" cols="70" rows="5"><?php if (isset($comment) && substr($comment,0,3)!="xxx") echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($comment)); ?></textarea></td>
            <?php } ?>
             <td colspan="2"><br /><input type="submit" name="entry" value="<?php echo $submit_button; ?>" />&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="preview" value="<?php echo $preview_button; ?>" /></td>
           <?php if ($bbcode==true) { ?><p ><br /><?php echo $bbcode_exp; ?></p><?php }


        case "login form":
           <form action="<?php echo basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); ?>" method="post">
           <p><b><?php echo $password_marking; ?></b><br /><input type="password" name="login_password" />&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="<?php echo $log_in_marking; ?>" /></p>

        case "login failed":
           ?><p class="caution"><?php echo $password_wrong_marking; ?></p><?php

        case "delete ask if sure":
           ?><p class="caution"><?php echo $delete_entry_marking; ?></p><p><?php echo str_replace("[name]",htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(urldecode($_POST['delete_name']))),$delete_entry_conf_marking); ?></p>
           <form method="post" action="<?php echo basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); ?>"><p><input type="hidden" name="entry_uniqid_del_ok" value="<?php echo $_POST['entry_uniqid']; ?>" /><input type="submit" name="del_entry_ok" value="<?php echo $delete_conf_button; ?>" /></p><?php

        case "no authorization":
           ?><p class="caution"><?php echo $no_authorisation_marking; ?></p><p>[ <a href="<?php echo basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); ?>?action=login"><?php echo $log_in_marking; ?></a> ]</p><?php

        // End of HTML
        // Here you could include a footer --> include("footer.html");

        ?><p " style="text-align: right;"><a href="<?php echo basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); ?>?action=login">Admin login</a> </body>

  2. hallo mafoe,

    huhu, wenn ich den code lade macht er nicht das was ich will.

    ok, dafür gibts ja fehlermeldungen. Wie lauten die?

    was nu?

    Jedenfalls nicht ganz so oft hintereinander hier was posten, da sieht ja keienr mehr durch. Shubse den gesamten Code als Textdatei irgendwo auf eine temporäre Adresse in deinem Webspace und gibt den link dazu an. So wie du es gemacht hast, stiftest du eher Verwirrung.

    Außerdem: worum geht es dir nun? Um PHP oder CSS?

    Grüße aus Berlin

    Christoph S.

    ss:| zu:) ls:& fo:) va:) sh:| rl:|
  3. Hi mafoe!

    huhu, wenn ich den code lade macht er nicht das was ich will. (Also die Funktionen gehen)

    Man kann Fehler auch genauer beschreiben. Geht es dir um PHP oder "funzt" die CSS-Datei nicht?

    Aber er übernimmt das s.css nicht komplett. Die Schriftgröße (11 punkte, wie auf größer angezeigt.

    Du kannst die Schriftgröße nicht beeinflussen. Strukturiere deine Seiten so, dass sie immer lesbar sind. gefällt mir vom Design her sehr gut. Es wirkt aufgeräumt und modern. Allerdings nutzt du unnötig ein kompliziertes Framekonstrukt. Warum?

    Außerdem sind deine Seiten nicht valide. Ein Validator kann dir dabei helfen, sie auf Vordermann zu bringen. Mir ist zum Beispiel aufgefallen, dass auf einer Seite ein body-Element fehlt.

    Es ist im gleichen Ordner.

    Oh mein Gott. Wir werden alle sterben. :)

    Auch die <style> blabla<style> machen nicht das was ich will.

    Ich nehme mal an "das", was du willst, ist die Größenveränderung der Schriftgröße. Du weißt ja nun schon, dass du darauf keinen Einfluss hast.

    MfG H☼psel

    "It's amazing I won. I was running against peace, prosperity, and incumbency."
    George W. Bush speaking to Swedish Prime Minister unaware a live television camera was still rolling, June 14, 2001
    Selfcode: ie:% fl:( br:> va:) ls:& fo:) rl:? n4:& ss:| de:] js:| ch:? sh:( mo:) zu:)
    1. gefällt mir vom Design her sehr gut. Es wirkt aufgeräumt und modern. Allerdings nutzt du unnötig ein kompliziertes Framekonstrukt. Warum?

      Huhu nochmal, wie kann ich dann das beschissene framekonstrukt aufheben?

      liebe grüße


  4. Moin,

    Die Schriftgröße (11 punkte, wie auf größer angezeigt.

    Du gibst ja auch keine Schriftgröße an:

    BODY, Table, TD {
            FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
            font-size: 11;
            color: #000000;

    Was ist das? 11 Straußeneier? 11 Angström? Oder 11 Nelken?
    Ein CSS-Interpreter soll fehlerhafte Regeln ignorieren. Und eine Größenangabe ohne Einheit _ist_ fehlerhaft.

    Abgesehen davon: Egal ob du nun 11px oder 11pt gemeint haben solltest, beides ist unfein. Mit px verhinderst oder erschwerst du die Skalierung der Seite, und pt ist höchstens für ein Druck-Stylesheet eine geeignete Einheit.

    So long,

    Schon gewusst, dass Aftershave trotz des Namens eigentlich eher fürs Gesicht gedacht ist?