ein Weg, das ganze zu betrachten - und in meinem Augen sogar legitim oder begrüßenswert, wenn derjenige das ganze nur einmal in seinem Leben macht. Aber wenn jemand anschließend weiterbastelt und bis dato nur Frames gelernt hat, dann ist er extrem schlecht davon abzubringen. Anstatt das Konzept wegzuschmeißen wird dann mit 27 JavaScripts und 42 Workarounds versucht das ganze ungetüm zu bändigen, weil Frames mit allen anderen Konzepten dann plötzlich nicht mehr einhergehen.
He is entertaining both out of the car and in the car because if you tell him that a corner is almost flat then he is the guy who is going to try to take it flat even if it means shunting it the other side of it, he will come with the data and say 'hey, I may have crashed and destroyed the car, but I was flat-out'. That is an interesting quality that he has! -- Team Member on Jacques Villeneuve
He is entertaining both out of the car and in the car because if you tell him that a corner is almost flat then he is the guy who is going to try to take it flat even if it means shunting it the other side of it, he will come with the data and say 'hey, I may have crashed and destroyed the car, but I was flat-out'. That is an interesting quality that he has! -- Team Member on Jacques Villeneuve